The repository is a public version of StellaTrain implementation.
: CPU sparse optimizer for SGD and Adam → 3.1 CPU-based Sparse Optimizer -
: Gradient sparsification method (e.g. Top-k, threshold-v, thresholdv16(Cache-aware)) → 3.2 CPU-based Gradient Sparsification -
and other code (backend/src/engine/comm_manager,cpp, core_module_api.cpp, shm_manager.cpp, task.cpp, threadpool.cpp
): Responsible for the main process and scheduling of Stellatrain → 3.3 Efficient Pipeline Management -
: Asynchornous data update for optimization → 4.1 The telemetry server -
: Adaptive optimization for variable bandwidth → 4.2, 4.3 The centralized controller -
: Offline bayesian optimization
Hardware requirements for running the experiments are as follows:
- >= 2 nodes connected via network
- >= 2 NVIDIA GPUs per node (with memory of 16GB or more)
We recommend using AWS EC2 instances for the experiments. Launch two instances with the following configurations:
- p3.8xlarge (4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs)
- Deep Learning Base AMI (Amazon Linux 2) Version 58.2
- Disk space of 200 GB
- Allow all TCP ports in the security group of the instances.
Execute the script to build and run the Docker image.
It pulls image from
and launch bash inside the docker container.
docker pull $REPO
docker run -it --rm --gpus all --ipc=host --net=host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 $REPO
You can run script below to test distributed training without dataset. Note that loss may diverge without downloading dataset.
In the server 1 (master server), run: --master-ip-address <master server public IP address> --my-ip-address <server 1 public ip address> --world-size 2 --num-gpus 2 --rank 0
In the server 2, run: --master-ip-address <master server public IP address> --my-ip-address <server 2 public ip address> --world-size 2 --num-gpus 2 --rank 1
If you wish to perform training with real dataset, download the ImageNet dataset and follow the instructions below.
Download ImageNet dataset from ImageNet Website.
Run docker on each server with the following command: DATASET_PATH="{your dataset path}" docker pull $REPO docker run -it --rm --gpus all --ipc=host --net=host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -v "$DATASET_PATH":/datasets $REPO
In the server 1 (master server), run --master-ip-address <master server public IP address> --my-ip-address <server 1 public ip address> --world-size 2 --num-gpus 2 --rank 0
In the server 2, run --master-ip-address <master server public IP address> --my-ip-address <server 2 public ip address> --world-size 2 --num-gpus 2 --rank 1