This is a fully functional e-commerce website built using React, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Firebase, React-Countup, React-Router-Dom, and SwiperJS.
- Browse and search for products
- Add products to the cart
- If you are login user then go to access to checkout page otherwise login user
- Track the order status.
- Checkout and pay for products
- Manage user account
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
npm install or yarn
- Start the development server:
npm start or yarn dev
- Open the website in a web browser.
- Browse the products and add them to the cart.
- Checkout and pay for the products.
- Track the order status.
- Manage the user account.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Bootstrap: A CSS framework for creating responsive websites
- React-Bootstrap: A set of React components that extend Bootstrap
- Firebase: A cloud platform for building mobile and web apps
- React-Countup: A React component for animating numbers
- React-Router-Dom: A library for routing in React applications
- SwiperJS: A JavaScript library for creating touch-enabled sliders
Contributions are welcome! Please read the contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request.