bytetrade recommend algorithm
- Racall gets the packet from juicefs, generates recall results, and stores them in nfs.
- Prerank gets the recall results from nfs, generates prerank results, and stores them in mongo through knowledge.
- Crawler is the system workflow,it gets the entris that have not been crawled in the recommended data, and crawls the raw content according to the URL and saves it.
- Extractor gets entries that have been crawled but not yet extracted, and then stores them after extracting them.
- Finally, rank generates refined ranking results.
- So we need to implement recall,prerank, extractor, and rank modules.
- We alse need train module to get the rank model and user-embedding module to update user embedding timely.
graph TD
- recall and prerank workflow generates prerank results and schedules them in 10 minutes.
- The extractor and rank workflow generates rank results. If last_extractor_time>last_crawler_time the extractor task will not be executed if last_rank_time>last_extractor_time the rank task will not be executed
- The train workflow generates a new rank model, and then executes the rank task based on the latest model to generate rank results.
- The embedding workflow updates the user embedding value.
Parameter | describe |
NFS_ROOT_DIRECTORY | nfs directory,save recall and prerank results |
JUICEFS_ROOT_DIRECTOR | juicefs directory,save feed and entry datas from cloud |
TERMINUS_RECOMMEND_SOURCE_NAME | source name,identify the algorithm |
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_API_URL | knowledge api address |
SYNC_PROVIDER | cloud data provider |
SYNC_FEED_NAME | cloud data feed name |
SYNC_MODEL_NAME | cloud entry data model name |
The system module sync pulls package datas from the cloud, the data sources are configured in the market.
- provider: bytetrade
feedName: news
syncDate: 15
- provider: bytetrade
feedName: tech
syncDate: 15
In this configuration, the algorithm can use news and tech data source. Packages are stored in juicefs, the news stored directory are as follows
- feeds data: JUICEFS_ROOT_DIRECTOR/feed/bytetrade/news
- entries data: JUICEFS_ROOT_DIRECTOR/entry/bytetrade/news/{model_name}
This part of the code includes recall, prerank and extractor modules.
run detail here
system workflow
|-- api # knowledge api
|-- common
|-- config # algorithm config
|-- extractor # extractor module
|-- model #
|-- prerank # prerank module
|-- protobuf_entity # protobuf data format
|-- recall # recall module
1. Get parameters user_embedding ,last_recall_time from knowledge.
2. Get the incremental entry data in juicefs and last recall result in nfs.
3. Generate recall result and save the data in nfs.
4. Set last_recall_time through knowledge.
1. Get parameters user_embedding from knowledge.
2. Get recall result from nfs.
3. Generate prerank result and save data through knowledge.
- Get the data that this algorithm has produced.
- If the new data does not exist before, add recommended data through knowledge.
- If the previous data is not in the current prerank result, delete the data through knowledge.
1. Get the entry list(crawler=true、extract=false) through knowledge.
2. For each entry, parse the text content based on raw content.
3. Batch update the entry data through knowledge.
This part of the code is about the rank operation of the process and the training of the rank model.
more detail here
This part is about the calculation of userembedding. The general principle is to calculate a temporary user vector based on the articles the user has read in the past period. Add this temporary user vector to the old user vector to get a new user vector.
more detail here