This program is an image optimization tool written in PHP. It optimizes image files within a specified directory and further outputs them in WEBP and AVIF formats. As a result, users can obtain optimized images to reduce the load time of web pages.
- WEBP : It is an image format developed by Google, which can maintain high-quality images while having a higher compression ratio compared to existing image formats. It is primarily designed for use on the web.
- AVIF : An abbreviation for AV1 Image File Format, it is a new image format based on the AV1 video codec. It boasts even better compression efficiency and image quality compared to WEBP.
Please prepare the PHP operating environment in advance.
- UNIX-like environment (macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows)
- PHP 5.6 or later
Download the imgopt.phar file using wget or curl:
$ curl -OL
To use ImgOpt from the command line by typing imgopt
, make the file executable and move it to somewhere in your PATH. For example:
$ chmod +x imgopt.phar
$ sudo mv imgopt.phar /usr/local/bin/imgopt
Alternatively, you can also install it using Homebrew. If you install via Homebrew, you can skip detailed tasks like renaming and immediately use the imgopt
$ brew tap kaleidpixel/cli
$ brew install imgopt
$ brew cleanup imgopt
To run ImgOpt on a Windows environment using the imgopt
command, additional steps are required. The imgopt.phar must be executable and placed in a location registered in the environment variable PATH. Furthermore, you'll need to create two new files: imgopt and imgopt.bat.
Using an editor capable of creating text files in UTF-8 (without BOM), please create imgopt and imgopt.bat, and save them in the same directory as imgopt.phar.
imgopt :
dir=$(cd "${0%[/\\]*}" > /dev/null; pwd)
if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then
case $(which php) in
$(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*)
dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");
php "${dir}/imgopt.phar" "$@"
imgopt.bat :
@echo OFF
:: in case DelayedExpansion is on and a path contains !
php "%~dp0imgopt.phar" %*
Alternatively, you can also install it using Scoop.. If you install via Scoop, you can skip detailed tasks and immediately use the imgopt command.
$ scoop bucket add kaleidpixel
$ scoop install imgopt
The usage is quite straightforward. Just run the program by specifying the path to the directory where the images are stored using the option (-p or --path).
$ imgopt -p ./images
$ imgopt -p /Users/username/www/images
- Image Optimizer: MIT License - WEBP: BSD License - gifsicle: GPL version 2 License - jpegtran: MIT License - pngquant: GPL version 3 License - svg-sanitizer: GPL version 2 License - cavif: BSD 3-Clause License