Django registration and authentication with Strawberry.
This Library was inspired by Django-graphql-auth.
Abstract all the basic logic of handling user accounts out of your app, so you don't need to think about it and can get you up and running faster.
No lock-in. When you are ready to implement your own code or this package is not up to your expectations , it's easy to extend or switch to your implementation.
Docs can be found here
- Awesome docs!
- Captcha validation
- Async/Sync supported!
- Works with default or custom user model
- Builtin JWT authentication using PyJWT
- User registration with email verification
- Retrieve/Update user
- Archive user
- Permanently delete user or make it inactive
- Turn archived user active again on login
- Track user status (archived, verified)
- Password change
- Password reset through email
- Revoke user tokens on account archive/delete/password change/reset
- All mutations return
- Default email templates (you will customize though)
- Customizable, no lock-in
- Passwordless registration
class AuthMutation:
# include here your mutations that interact with a user object from a token.
verify_token = mutations.VerifyToken.field
update_account = mutations.UpdateAccount.field
archive_account = mutations.ArchiveAccount.field
delete_account = mutations.DeleteAccount.field
password_change = mutations.PasswordChange.field
swap_emails = mutations.SwapEmails.field
class Mutation:
def auth_entry(self) -> Union[AuthMutation, GQLAuthError]:
return AuthOutput(node=AuthMutation())
# these are mutation that does not require authentication.
captcha = Captcha.field
token_auth = mutations.ObtainJSONWebToken.field
register = mutations.Register.field
verify_account = mutations.VerifyAccount.field
resend_activation_email = mutations.ResendActivationEmail.field
send_password_reset_email = mutations.SendPasswordResetEmail.field
password_reset = mutations.PasswordReset.field
password_set = mutations.PasswordSet.field
refresh_token = mutations.RefreshToken.field
revoke_token = mutations.RevokeToken.field
verify_secondary_email = mutations.VerifySecondaryEmail.field
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)