A demo show using Skupper with Kubernetes HTTP services to show seamless failover to next available cloud.
Java 8
- kustomize
Since we need to deploy to multiple clouds, using kustomize allows us to patch Kubernetes manifests that are unique for each cloud.
- skaffold
Skaffold allows us to do seamless deployment into kube clusters. Highly useful for development use cases
- skupper
Skupper is a layer 7 service interconnect. It enables secure communication across Kubernetes clusters with no VPNs or special firewall rules.
This Demo uses Google Translation, you need to have your Google API key (Json) which we will use it later when deploying lingua-greeter
Create three separate directories for mkdir -p ./{earth,mars,jupiter}/.kube |
pushd earth > /dev/null
export KUBECONFIG="$(pwd)/.kube/config"
minikube -p earth start \
popd > /dev/null
The minikube earth need to gave ingress enabled for accessing the services outside the cluster. Let us haproxy ingress
kubectl label node earth role=ingress-controller
kubectl create -f <a href="https://haproxy-ingress.github.io/resources/haproxy-ingress.yaml" class="bare">https://haproxy-ingress.github.io/resources/haproxy-ingress.yaml</a>
Watch the ingress-controller
daemonset for the nginx ingress controller to be up and running:
kubectl get daemonset -n ingress-controller
In few minutes you should see the nginx ingress pod in the ingress-controller
haproxy-ingress 1 1 1 1 1 role=ingress-controller 90s
Once the daemonset is running in ingress-controller
, check the nginx ingress controller pod to be up and running:
watch kubectl get pods -n ingress-controller
In few minutes you should see the nginx ingress pod in the ingress-controller
haproxy-ingress-f64ps 1/1 Running 0 30s
Minikube tunnel allows us to interact with Kubernetes services using its CLUSTER-IP from the host. Once minikube mars started, open a new terminal and run
pushd mars > /dev/null
export KUBECONFIG="$(pwd)/.kube/config"
minikube -p mars tunnel
popd > /dev/null
Minikube tunnel allows us to interact with Kubernetes services using its CLUSTER-IP from the host. Once minikube jupiter started, open a new terminal and run
pushd jupiter > /dev/null
export KUBECONFIG="$(pwd)/.kube/config"
minikube -p jupiter tunnel
popd > /dev/null
skupper init --id mars
Wait for skupper to initialize skupper status
Create connection token
skupper connection-token ../mars-token.yaml
skupper init --id jupiter
Wait for skupper to initialize skupper status
skupper connection-token ../jupiter-token.yaml
skupper connect --connection-name mars ../mars-token.yaml
Create and change to use the namespace demo
kubectl create ns demo
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=demo
skupper init --edge --id earth
Wait for skupper to initialize skupper status
# lower the cost greater the affinity
skupper connect --connection-name mars --cost 1 ../mars-token.yaml
# higher the cost lesser the affinity
skupper connect --connection-name jupiter --cost 20 ../jupiter-token.yaml
Expose Skupper Services
Ensure your context is in cloud jupiter
by running the command ` kubectl config current-context`
cd $PROJECT_HOME/jupiter
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path to your Google API Key Json file>
kubectl create secret generic google-cloud-creds \
skupper expose deployment lingua-greeter \
--address lingua-greeter \
--port 8080 --protocol tcp --target-port 8080
Ensure your context is in cloud mars
by running the command ` kubectl config current-context`
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path to your Google API Key Json file>
kubectl create secret generic google-cloud-creds \
skupper expose deployment lingua-greeter \
--address lingua-greeter \
--port 8080 --protocol tcp --target-port 8080
Since the greetings-ticker
is a SPA, we need to have the external url for accessing the lingua-greeter
service via HTML. Run the following command to expose lingua-greeter
export MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube -p earth ip)
cat k8s/lingua-greeter-ingress.yaml| envsubst | kubectl apply -n demo -f -
Get the ingress URL:
LINGUA_GREETER_INGRESS_URL="$(kubectl get -n demo ingress lingua-greeter -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
Check the health of the back end:
Ensure your context is in cloud mars
by running the command ` kubectl config current-context`.
Verify if your are in demo namespace by running the command kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:
cd $PROJECT_HOME/earth
eval $(minikube -p earth docker-env)
# create .env.production
echo "NODE_ENV=production\nVUE_APP_MESSAGES_URL=http://$LINGUA_GREETER_INGRESS_URL" | tee .env.production
Before we deploy the greetings-ticker, check the list of services in the demo namespace, since we exposed lingua-greeter
on other clouds (jupiter/mars) we should see it listed in earth
, as we connected earth
with jupiter
and mars
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE lingua-greeter ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 10m skupper-messaging ClusterIP <none> 5671/TCP 22m
Deploy the application using the command:
skaffold run --tail
Open the application in the browser using minikube -p earth -n demo service greetings-ticker
You should by default start to see the messages coming from mars
, after few messages go to mars
terminal and scale the lingua-greeter
service to 0
and now you will see the responses from Jupiter
only and do the vice versa to see the responses flipping back mars
Since we have set the cost to mars, the application will always try to go to mars by default