LAZARUS app project. A cross-platform Flutter based mobile application that uses alternative solutions (some of which implement AI) on top of Bluetooth low energy contact tracing, to keep record of human-to-human contacts, even when Bluetooth is not activated. The app can also make physical and mental health assessments, with user's consent, to predict possible causes of illness, by using cloud(Azure)-based healthcare chatbot, text-analytics and NLP service.
Webpage for carrying user to healthcare bot:
Azure function: (python based)
Azure function: (Java based)
Tools used:
- BLE plugin for Flutter (customized for this use case)
- Azure Cognitive services (for NLP and text-analytics)
- Azure AD B2C (for user authentication)
- RESTful APIs
- Microsoft Healthcare Bot
- Google Cloud Firestore
- QR code scanner and generator plugin for Flutter
- Sqflite plugin for Flutter