This is a fork of Red Hat's Openshift Console modified to support as much of it's featureset on upstream Kubernetes as possible. It is not intended to function with Openshift or OKD, and has some hacks to forcefully replace Openshift entities with Kubernetes equivalents such as Namespaces being used as the data source for Openshift's "Projects".
Openshift Console (aka Bridge) is, from my experience, miles ahead of any other open source dashboard/UI for Kubernetes. If you are running k8s on a cloud platform, you already get an actionable UI, but the official Kubernetes Dashboard is effectively only usable for monitoring, and most other UIs you can get are terribly lacking or buggy.
Docker build available at Docker Hub
The console is a more friendly kubectl
in the form of a single page webapp. It also integrates with other services like monitoring, chargeback, and OLM. Some things that go on behind the scenes include:
- Proxying the Kubernetes API under
- Providing additional non-Kubernetes APIs for interacting with the cluster
- Serving all frontend static assets
- User Authentication
- node.js >= 14 & yarn >= 1.20
- go >= 1.16+
- oc or kubectl and an OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster
- jq (for
) - Google Chrome/Chromium or Firefox for integration tests
This project uses Go modules,
so you should clone the project outside of your GOPATH
. To build both the
frontend and backend, run:
Backend binaries are output to ./bin
The following instructions assume you have an existing cluster you can connect to. OpenShift 4.x clusters can be installed using the OpenShift Installer. More information about installing OpenShift can be found at You can also use CodeReady Containers for local installs, or native Kubernetes clusters.
If you have a working kubectl
on your path, you can run the application with:
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig
source ./contrib/
The script in contrib/
sets sensible defaults in the environment, and uses kubectl
to query your cluster for endpoint and authentication information.
To configure the application to run by hand, (or if
doesn't work for some reason) you can manually provide a Kubernetes bearer token with the following steps.
First get the secret ID that has a type of
by running:
kubectl get secrets
then get the secret contents:
kubectl describe secrets/<secret-id-obtained-previously>
Use this token value to set the BRIDGE_K8S_AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN
environment variable when running Bridge.
In OpenShift 4.x, the console is installed and managed by the console operator.
See CONTRIBUTING for workflow & convention details.
See STYLEGUIDE for file format and coding style guide.
go 1.16+, nodejs/yarn, kubectl
All frontend code lives in the frontend/
directory. The frontend uses node, yarn, and webpack to compile dependencies into self contained bundles which are loaded dynamically at run time in the browser. These bundles are not committed to git. Tasks are defined in package.json
in the scripts
section and are aliased to yarn run <cmd>
(in the frontend directory).
To install the build tools and dependencies:
cd frontend
yarn install
You must run this command once, and every time the dependencies change. node_modules
are not committed to git.
The following build task will watch the source code for changes and compile automatically.
If you would like to disable hot reloading, set the environment variable HOT_RELOAD
to false
yarn run dev
If changes aren't detected, you might need to increase fs.inotify.max_user_watches
. See If you need to increase your watchers, it's common to see multiple errors beginning with Error from chokidar
Run all unit tests:
Run backend tests:
Run frontend tests:
cd frontend; yarn run build
- Add
statements to any unit test yarn debug-test route-pages
- Chrome browser URL: 'chrome://inspect/#devices', click on the 'inspect' link in Target (v10...) section.
- Launches chrome-dev tools, click Resume button to continue
- Will break on any
Cypress integration tests are implemented in
Launch Cypress test runner:
cd frontend
oc login ...
yarn run test-cypress-console
This will launch the Cypress Test Runner UI in the console
package, where you can run one or all cypress tests.
By default, it will look for Chrome in the system and use it, but if you want to use Firefox instead, set BRIDGE_E2E_BROWSER_NAME
environment variable in your shell with the value firefox
An alternate way to execute cypress tests is via which takes a -p <package>
parameter to allow execution in different packages. It also can run Cypress tests in the Test Runner UI or in -- headless
Runs Cypress tests in Test Runner or headless mode
Usage: test-cypress [-p] <package> [-s] <filemask> [-h true]
'-p <package>' may be 'console, 'olm' or 'devconsole'
'-s <specmask>' is a file mask for spec test files, such as 'tests/monitoring/*'. Used only in headless mode when '-p' is specified.
'-h true' runs Cypress in headless mode. When omitted, launches Cypress Test Runner
Examples: // displays this help text -p console // opens Cypress Test Runner for console tests -p olm // opens Cypress Test Runner for OLM tests -h true // runs all packages in headless mode -p olm -h true // runs OLM tests in headless mode -p console -s 'tests/crud/*' -h true // runs console CRUD tests in headless mode
More information on Console's Cypress usage
More information on DevConsole's Cypress usage
Integration tests are run in a headless browser driven by protractor.
Requirements include Chrome or Firefox, a working cluster, kubectl, and bridge itself (see building above).
By default, it will look for Chrome in the system and use it, but if you want to use Firefox instead, set BRIDGE_E2E_BROWSER_NAME
environment variable in your shell with the value firefox
Setup (or any time you change node_modules - yarn add
or yarn install
cd frontend && yarn run webdriver-update
Run integration tests:
yarn run test-protractor
Run integration tests on an OpenShift cluster:
yarn run test-protractor-openshift
This will include the normal k8s CRUD tests and CRUD tests for OpenShift resources.
If you get Jasmine spec timeout errors during runs perhaps against a busy cluster or over slow network, you can try setting a bigger timeout in milliseconds to BRIDGE_JASMINE_TIMEOUT
environment variable in your shell before running the tests. Default 120000 (2 minutes).
If your local Chrome version doesn't match the Chromedriver version from the console dependencies, override the version with:
yarn run webdriver-update
For Fedora, you can use:
yarn run webdriver-update-fedora
For macOS, you can use:
yarn run webdriver-update-macos
To see what the tests are actually doing, it is possible to run in non-headless
mode by setting the NO_HEADLESS
environment variable:
$ NO_HEADLESS=true ./ <suite>
To use a specific binary version of chrome, it is possible to set the CHROME_BINARY_PATH
environment variable:
$ CHROME_BINARY_PATH="/usr/bin/chromium-browser" ./ <suite>
To avoid skipping remaining portion of tests upon encountering the first failure, NO_FAILFAST
environment variable can be used:
$ NO_FAILFAST=true ./ <suite>
cd frontend; yarn run build
- Add
statements to any e2e test yarn run debug-protractor-suite --suite <suite-to-debug>
- Chrome browser URL: 'chrome://inspect/#devices', click on the 'inspect' link in Target (v10...) section.
- Launches chrome-dev tools, click Resume button to continue
- Will break on any
statements - Pauses browser when not using
The end-to-end tests run against pull requests using ci-operator. The tests are defined in this manifest in the openshift/release repo and were generated with ci-operator-prowgen.
CI runs the script, which runs and ' e2e', which runs the protractor e2e
test suite.
The CI executes to run all Cypress tests, in all 'packages' (console, olm, and devconsole), in -- headless
mode via: -h true
For more information on
usage please see Execute Cypress in different packages
' e2e' runs the protractor e2e
test suite defined in protractor.conf.ts
You can simulate an e2e run against an existing cluster with the following commands (replace /path/to/install-dir
with your OpenShift install directory):
$ oc apply -f ./frontend/integration-tests/data/htpasswd-secret.yaml
$ oc patch oauths cluster --patch "$(cat ./frontend/integration-tests/data/patch-htpasswd.yaml)" --type=merge
$ export BRIDGE_BASE_ADDRESS="$(oc get cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.consoleURL}')"
$ export BRIDGE_KUBEADMIN_PASSWORD=$(cat "/path/to/install-dir/auth/kubeadmin-password")
$ ./ e2e
If you don't want to run the entire e2e tests, you can use a different suite from protractor.conf.ts. For instance,
$ ./ <suite>
See INTERNATIONALIZATION for information on our internationalization tools and guidelines.
Once you have made changes locally, these instructions will allow you to push changes to an OpenShift cluster for others to review. This involves building a local image, pushing the image to an image registry, then updating the OpenShift cluster to pull the new image.
- Docker v17.05 or higher for multi-stage builds
- An image registry like or Docker Hub
- Create a repository in the image registry of your choice to hold the image.
- Build Image
docker build -t <your-image-name> <path-to-repository | url>
. For example:
docker build -t .
- Push image to image registry
docker push <your-image-name>
. Make sure docker is logged into your image registry! For example:
docker push
- Put the console operator in unmanaged state:
oc patch cluster --patch '{ "spec": { "managementState": "Unmanaged" } }' --type=merge
- Update the console Deployment with the new image:
oc set image deploy console -n openshift-console
- Wait for the changes to rollout:
oc rollout status -w deploy/console -n openshift-console
You should now be able to see your development changes on the remote OpenShift cluster!
When done, you can put the console operator back in a managed state to remove the custom image:
oc patch cluster --patch '{ "spec": { "managementState": "Managed" } }' --type=merge
Dependencies should be pinned to an exact semver, sha, or git tag (eg, no ^).
Whenever making vendor changes:
- Finish updating dependencies & writing changes
- Commit everything except
(eg,server: add x feature
) - Make a second commit with only
(eg,vendor: revendor
Adding new or updating existing backend dependencies:
- Edit the
file to the desired version (most likely a git hash) - Run
go mod tidy && go mod vendor
- Verify update was successful.
will have been updated to reflect the changes togo.mod
and the package will have been updated invendor
Add new frontend dependencies:
yarn add <package@version>
Update existing frontend dependencies:
yarn upgrade <package@version>
To upgrade yarn itself, download a new yarn release from, replace the release in
with the new version, and update yarn-path
We support the latest versions of the following browsers:
- Edge
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
IE 11 and earlier is not supported.