Bayesian Benchmark Dose (BBMD) is a Python package for conducting benchmark dose-response modeling for continuous and dichotomous Bayesian models using the Stan probabilistic programming language. This repository includes source code for:
- Backend web application website for executing user uploaded dose-response datasets, as well as a database implementation for storing and retrieving previously executed results using the Django web framework.
- A frontend web application for displaying results to users including interactive web applications, implemented primarily using the React and Redux libraries
Details on the BBMD modeling system, and performance comparison to other tools such as the US EPA Benchmark Dose Modeling Software (BMDS) is documented in a peer-reviewed publication coming soon [submitted; reference coming soon].
For more details on BBMD including installation/developer documentation, see the documentation section of the github repository. The computation portion of this web application is available in the companion bbmd repository.
Written by Kan Shao; implemented by Andy Shapiro.