Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, concepts and terms which works together to automate the lifecycle of apps, in this regard if you want to implement a CI / CD, Jenkins could be the main tool to establish a server to automate this process.
This repository is a simple task to deploy a Jenkins taking AWS amazon as IaaS. For getting a big picture we are going to install Jenkins and its plugins, register a user, set up a basic security rule and finally insert a job as example so, let’s elaborate further this idea.
Get in your bastion machine in AWS amazon and install terrafom tool to deploy your enviroment with the follows command lines:
$ curl -O
$ sudo unzip -d /usr/bin/
$ terraform -v
Download the project and make sure your set up your information in the follows properties which are in the file
- access_key: your personal access key AWS amazon
- secret_key: your personal secret key AWS amazon
- jenkins_key_name: publickey file name which is used to access via SSH
Please go to the base project and execute the follow command line:
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Command plan is useful to watch some error and have a deploy plan, once the plan is checked please confirm the process execute the apply command.
Please go to the base project and execute the follow command line:
$ terraform destroy