This is the scratch of the Ladino translation of the book Hola Lola written by Juan Fernandez.
Translation by Gabor Szabo
The copyright of the original Spanish version is Juan Fernandez, 2022, all rights reserved.
The copyright of the translation is Gabor Szabo, 2022, all rights reserved.
No part of the book should be copied reproduced or trasnlated without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Gabor translates a new chapter and puts it in more.yaml
Once he is satisfied, he sends the text to Miriam Sherman who reviews the text and sends is back with corrections.
Gabor corrects the text and moves it to the end of book.yaml
In book.yaml the fist row indicates the most recently published chapter.
Gabor sends the next chapter (or if it too long then part of it) to Ladinokomunita
The moderators (usually Rachel) check the text and make corrections before letting it through.
Gabor takes the corrections and updates the text in book.yaml with them.
Then Gabor updates the first row publishing this new chapter as well.