This repo allow us to read in PCap Files and outputs a GUI representing it as a graph/network with various other functions. It also creates a neural network that uses graph characteristics to identify nodes as malicious or non-malicious.
Python 2.7
Install pcapfile (necessary to read pcap files):
pip install pypcapfile
Install PyGObject (necessary to run the GUI, which is built on GTK) for Ubuntu:
apt-get install python-gi
Install Numpy (necessary for some of the filters implemented in the GUI):
apt-get install python-numpy
You will next need to install graph-tool, which is a Python wrapper around C++. Follow based on your operating system. Note that installation may be problematic if you run Windows (I followed the instructions for Ubuntu 16.04)
You will need TensorFlow for the machine learning component. Follow
Optional: To convert pcap-ng files (which is often the file format in datasets) to pcap files, install Wireshark:
sudo apt-get install wireshark-common
Install Keras (which operates over TensorFlow)
pip install keras
Install Sci-Kit Learn (required to generate ROC curves to test the model)
pip install -U scikit-learn
Install h5py (used to save models generated by Keras and TensorFlow):
pip install h5py
Kapil Sinha