so i put in a lot of unnecessary (progn) and im unnecesarily obsessed with formatting text. the (progn)'s are really there to give something from which to auto-indent to, nothing more. i dont even care if they're costing me startup-time (but i really dont think thats the case, i might be wrong).
also the (with-no-warning)'s are there also to ease my ocd, but also due to indentative aesthetics.
This configuration file depends on several packages I heartily recommend:
- use-package
- helm:
- helm-cider
- helm-google
- company
- programming modes:
- ML:
- tuareg
- merlin
- utop
- ocp-indent
- sml-mode (
due to autoindent not working)
- tuareg
- Clojure:
- clojure-mode
- clj-refractor
- cider
- Scheme / Racket / Common Lisp:
- geiser
- racket-mode
- slime
- slime-company
- Haskell: (haven't gotten to test this yet)
- haskell-mode
- dante
- ML:
- flycheck
- helm-flycheck
- flycheck-haskell
- flycheck-checkbashims
- flycheck-clojure
- flycheck-ocaml
- eshell:
- eshell-bookmark
- parentheses handling utilities:
- parinfer
- paredit
- rainbow-delimiters
- magit & magithub
- visual configuration:
- nlinum
- cyphejor
- diminish
- doom-themes (doom-one currently in use)
- spaceline
- which-key
- paradox
- undo-tree
- comment-dwim-2 & commenter
And many more... (to be updated)