Flash News App is a mobile application that allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest news.
The app uses a ViewPager to display news in different categories, such as business, sports, technology, and entertainment.
Each category is displayed in a separate fragment, and the news within each category is displayed in a RecyclerView. When a user clicks on a news article, the app uses Chrome Custom Tabs to display the article in a full-screen view.
- View news articles in different categories
- Swipe left or right to navigate between categories
- Click on an article to view it in full-screen using Chrome Custom Tabs
- Uses Volley library to fetch data from NewsData API
- Implements RecyclerView to display news articles
- Refresh news using SwipeRefreshLayout
- Uses glide a fast and efficient image loading library that makes it easy to load and display images from URLs
Flash News App uses the following technologies:
- Android SDK
- Kotlin
- Volley library
- Chrome Custom Tabs
- RecyclerView
- ViewPager2
- Fragments
- Glide library
To use Flash News App, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Open the project in Android Studio
- Run the app on an emulator or physical device
In conclusion, Flash News App is a user-friendly news application that provides access to the latest news in various categories. It leverages modern technologies such as Volley library and Chrome Custom Tabs to offer a seamless user experience. This project showcases the use of modern Android development techniques to create production-ready applications.