This script allow users to retrieve data using Hybrid Analysis API,It can search for malware family or malware name or hash you can give it malware file name ex: mimikatz and ask for IMP hash for all files contains mimikatz in it's files name on Hybrid Analysis
Load the function
Import-Module -Path "Path to Hybrid API.ps1"
Hybrid-API -API <API> -filename mimikatz -result IMPhash,sha256
Hybrid-API -API <API> -filename mimikatz,emotet -result IMPhash,sha256,hosts,domains
Hybrid-API -API <API> -filename (get-content -Path malwares.txt) -result (get-content -Path result.txt)
for long time Importing add the above command to Microsoft. PowerShell_profile.ps1 which could be found by running $profile in the PowerShell and create the path if it's not existed
you can search by hashes, if you supply -VT_API, script will search hashes in virus total, if you didn't then the script will use the supplied Hybrid Analysis API
the following script will use VT_API for hashes and Hybrid Analysis for filename
./Hybrid-API -VT_API <VT_API>,<VT_API> -hash <hash1>,<hash2>,<hash3> -API <API> -filename mimikatz -result imphash
- searching using vx_family
searching using list of hashes