BoxBackup command line client written in Go.
This reference implementation is using a Go library for interacting with BoxBackup servers, allowing other client implementations - such as Fuse or a Web frontend.
User friendly output of file listings as a table. (Uses simpletable).
Full tab completion on directories, file names and numeric identifiers. (Uses go-prompt)
Regular expressions for matching files with
commands. -
Piping of fetched file data into shell commands - quickly view files with
or view archive contents. -
All read-only operations are implemented in the library. Working on read-write ones.
Library implementation is done as Go os.FileInfo interface, simplifying integration into existing codebases.
Go implementation supports easy building on all supported Go platforms (Linux/Windows/Mac).
Download the source and build with Go:
go build -o ./bbq
Alternatively build for other supported platforms:
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bbq
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./bbq
# ./bbq --help
Usage of ./bbq:
-config string
Main configuration file. (default "/etc/boxbackup/bbackupd.conf")
-tlshost string
Verify remote host certificate against this name.
Increase logging output.