Introduction to iGraph in R.
- loading and saving graphs
- visualisation
- synthethic graphs (ER, BA, WS)
- nodes degree
Network metrics.
- shortest path
- network diameter
- closeness
- betweenness
- community detection (V. Blondel algorithm)
- modularity metric
- communities visualisation
- dendrograms
- karate club network
Temporal networks.
- networkDynamic
- Streaming Classroom Interactions Dataset
- edges dynamics
- centrality dynamics
- fwd and bkwd paths
- animations
Multilayer networks.
- multinet
- metrics for multilayer networks
- communities detection
- distance metrics
- loading/saving to file
- evolving network
- layers comparison
- visualisation
Social influence
- Linear Threshold model
SIR Model
SIR model with adaptive availability. Added parameter of availability of edges.
Concurrent processes on SIR model.
SIR model with pernament deletion of nodes.