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Cryptocurrency Web App

Search, explore, trade cryptocurrencies daily, weekly, hourly.



Cryptomoon is a web application built using React, Redux, and various other libraries. It provides users with real-time data of cryptocurrencies. Users can search for a particular cryptocurrency, view its details, and see its price trend using a chart.


  • Search for a cryptocurrency and view its details
  • View the latest price of a cryptocurrency and its price trend using a chart
  • View the top cryptocurrencies sorted by market cap
  • View the news related to cryptocurrencies

Libraries used

File Structure

  • src/main.js: The main entry point of the application.
  • src/App.jsx: The main component of the application.
  • src/components: Contains all the components used in the application.
  • src/store: Contains store for Redux related files.
  • src/services: Contains all the Redux service files used to make API calls.


Home Page: The homepage shows the top cryptocurrencies sorted by market cap. Users can search for a particular cryptocurrency using the search bar at the top. Users can also view the news related to cryptocurrencies by clicking the news button at the top.

Cryptocurrency Details Page: Users can click on a cryptocurrency card on the home page or search for a cryptocurrency to view its details. The details page shows the latest price of the cryptocurrency and its price trend using a chart.

News Page: The news page shows the latest news related to cryptocurrencies.


Cryptomoon is a web application built using React, Redux, and various other libraries. It provides real-time data of cryptocurrencies to the users. With the use of Rapid API and various other technologies, it provides an excellent user experience.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone h

Go to the project directory

  cd cryptocurrency-app-react-redux

Install dependencies

  npm i
  npm i react-router-dom
  npm i react-router
  npm i antd
  npm i @ant-design/icons
  npm i axios
  npm i chart.js
  npm i react-chartjs-2
  npm i redux
  npm i react-redux
  npm i @reduxjs/toolkit
  npm i moment
  npm i millify
  npm i html-react-parser

Install devDependencies

  npm create vite@latest

Start the server

  npm run dev

API Reference


Base URL
Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

Bing News

Base URL
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Your API key

For more refer to the Rapid API.




Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux

Server: N/A

🛠 Skills

ReactJs, Redux.



Screenshot (9) Screenshot (10)