To do this test you will need to:
- Do the above task and push your work to your private repo with name "msa-dev-screening-test"
- Invite github account 'kacank87' to your repo above to see your work
- Report your invitation to our HRD number in "+62 895-3936-87313", so our technical team would check your work
1. Convert string to array | (10 Point)
You are given a variable String “1AB23C5678D”
- A. Create a function to convert from string to array string
Result : [“1”,”A”,”B”, . . .]
- B. Create a function to convert from string to array int (Show only number)
Result : [1,2,3, . . .]
- C. Create a function to convert from string to array string (show only character)
Result : ["A","B","C", . . .]
2. Calculator | (10 Point)
You are given a variable String: "5+5+5*5:5"
- create a function calculator from input string above and make sure result is true
3. JSON encode | (10 Point)
You are given a variable array
name = ["brian","habib","malik"]
age = [25,25,24]
hobby = ["hiking","touring", "traveling"]
Create a json generator for encode with array above
Result :
}, . . .
4. Concurrency Task Worker | (60 Point)
Implementation of a program to summarize graduate data in singapore by year of graduation and major, save in csv files per year.
2020.csv 2021.csv 2022.csv
- For sources of information, use the API provided by Singapore Government Data specifically for data graduates API :
(Updated 20-04-2024) - Use the net/http package to fetch data from the provided API.
- Process raw data from API if needed.
- Implementation of a concurrent process for the process of fetching data from the API using goroutines, for illustration >link<
- Limit the number of concurrent processes, by applying Queue and Worker.
- Example:
grab -concurrent_limit=2 -output=/home/yourname/csv
5. Sorting and visualization | (10 Point)
A. Design and implement a program or subprogram which will display a simple data array visualization in the form of vertical barcharts, and in addition display each data value on the horizontal axis.
INPUT: Numerical arrays
[1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 2]
OUTPUT: Vertical Barcharts
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1 4 5 6 8 2
B. Implement insertion sort algorithm, and use subprogram (1) to visualize each step/steps sorting
INPUT: Numerical arrays
[1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 2]
- Sorted array (ascending)
- Steps visualization
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1 4 5 6 8 2
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1 4 5 6 2 8
... etc ...
Using :
VUE3 & VITE Tools
Create a page with component :(Design with your style)
- Side Bar Menu
- Header
- Footer
- Body
- Login page
- Dashboard (menu 1)
- MAP Page (menu 3)
- Calculator Page (menu 2)
List Menu :
1. Data Table (Menu 1) (20 Point)
API : Link
(Updated 20-04-2024)
- Create a page that displays the table of an source data API
- Add search feature
- Add filter feature (By Year)
2. Calculator (Menu 2) (10 Point)
- Create a page that displays standard calculator
- Make sure the calculator is working fine
3. MAP (Menu 3) (70 Point)
This project simulates classic problem which to calculate meeting point between two riders on given routes. Take point A and point B as route start and finish, one rider start from point A while other rider start from point B. Find location of meeting point (coordinate) and time (second) required them to met.
- Implement route reader interface and must fulfill unit test.
- Implement frontend codes to simulate route path and rider traveling path.
- Calculate and display information of meeting point and time.