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A Minimal Peer to Peer One to One Video Call

Am implementation of a simple 1-1 Video Calling Web App

Technologies Used:

  • NodeJS : For Signalling Server and Web Backend
  • WebRTC : To implement the Video Call Part

Working of the App

Room Object

Defines a Room Object used in the server side where two peers can join to start a Video Call. 

  • Integer : room_id
  • Integer : max number of Users
  • JSON(Peer ID : Peer)

Peer Object

Defines a Peer Object in the server to save the details of a Peer for further use. 

  • String : Peer Name
  • String : Peer ID
  • Socket : Peer Connection Object


On GET '/' :

  • Create New Room : Lets user create a Room ID and join one. 
    • Generate Random number => Room ID (Must be unique)
    • Go to '/r/room_id/'
  • Join Existing Room : Lets a user join an existing room created by another peer. 
    • Enter Room ID
    • Go to '/r/room_id/'

On GET '/r/room_id/' :

  • Get Room ID from window.location.href
  • Take a Name as input for Peer
  • Get User Media for Demo display
  • Create Socket Connection on Global NameSpace
  • Can Show existing members of the room
  • On Join :
    • Emit 'join' message with room_id and peer_name
    • Get User Media for Local Stream and Local Video
    • Create RTCPeerConnection
    • Listen to Signalling Server :
      • 'user-arrived' : Create Offer and Send
      • 'offer' : Add Remote SDP to self and Create Answer and Send
      • 'answer' : Add Remote SDP to self and Start sedning streams
      • 'cut-the-call' : Close RTCPeerConnection and MediaStream and redirect to main page


  • Create Express App
  • Create a Socket to listen

Server Requests :

  • '/' : Render index.html
  • '/r/:room_id/' :
    • If Room Exists : Render videocall.html ? Render index.html

Socket Messages :

  • 'create-room' :
    • If Empty Room with that Room ID exists : return the URL for that room
    • Else :
      • Create Room and on No error : return the URL for that room
      • If error : Ask to create again
  • 'join' :
    • If Room is Empty :
      • Create Peer Obj and Add socket to Room
    • Else If Room Not Empty
      • If has Space :
        • Create Peer Obj and Add socket to Room
        • Broadcast to other users in the room 'user-arrived' with peer_id
      • Else
        • Emit 'full-room'
  • 'offer' :
    • Emit to added user the Offer
  • 'answer :
    • Emit to added user the Answer
  • 'cut-the-call' :
    • Remove Peer Obj and delete socket from the room


A Minimal Peer to Peer One to One Video Call







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