Releases: kasiimh1/SaveMe
SaveMe v1.3 & SaveMe-Dumper
Windows version now includes latest tsschecker with A14 support from here:
macOS version is still outdated at the time of writing.
UPDATE v1.3 (Windows) - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and Windows!
- New Features
- Fetches device info and saves it to a cached device list
- Set version to save ticket for saving
- Allows setting path for saving tickets too
- Print Cached Devices
- Print currently signed firmwares
- Specify a generator, must be already set on device! (expects unc0ver's 0x1111111111111111)
- Save currently signed firmwares from cached device list! (device does not need to be connected)
- Dump ticket from iOS device (requires device to be jailbroken)
- Planned Features
- Print currently signed BETA iOS versions
- Add ticket checking with imgtool4
- Add FutureRestore support automating restoring if device is connected and SHSH2 file exists!
- IPSW downloader for device when connected (and arg set)
- Downloading of SEP and BBFW (if needed) for FutureRestore restores
- Tested
- iPhone11,2
- iPad7,3
- AppleTV 4K
Video Demo
link ( -
- (
- (
- (
Uses the following tools
- libimobiledevice - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo, irecovery
- tsschecker (macOS) and (Windows)
- Compiled against latest upstream binaries, confirmed work on A12 and A10X 13.4 and 13.4.1
- Removed FutureRestore ticket checker, also doesn't exit recovery mode so move to irecovery for that
- Changed Folder name to avoid it breaking anything, files store in SaveMe-Tickets
SaveMe macOS
Compiled against tsschecker v300 for macOS only..
This update should support A13 processors iPhone 11, Pro & Pro Max but need a generator set otherwise all tickets will be for a generator currently set and unknown to you in NVRAM
SaveMe macOS
Temp fix for - 'Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64' when compiling (tsschecker)
SaveMe macOS Only Release
UPDATE v0.8 - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and now Windows!
Requirements before using for Windows
- install iTunes
Requirements before using for macOS
- install brew
After installing brew run the following commands
- brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
- brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
- brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller
This should fix issues when not displaying device info
New in this update
- Recompiled against latest TssChecker for macOS.. Windows update coming!
- Added Windows Support!
- Fixes wrong ECID and saving path
- Adds new folder structure when saving tickets (unique per device and firmware)
- Removed irecovery as it didn't work for some users on High Sierra
- Switched back to igetnonce
- Detects Processor Type ie A12(X) or not
- If non A12(X) device it checks the generated nonce against Chimera's and Unc0vers default generators
- Displays saved ticket path
- Migrated to FutureRestore for exiting Recovery Mode as irecovery was removed as mentioned above
- Biggest feature last, now you're able to check saved Ticket against device's generator with FutureRestore
How to use for Windows
- Download from this link
- Save and extract the file to your desktop
- open CMD or something similar
- change directory to your desktop with this command "cd Desktop/"
- Start typing Sav... and press TAB it should auto fill the remaining characters
- connect your device and press enter
- wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
- enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
- wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
- read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
- wait for it to reboot
- Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use
How to use for macOS
- Download from this link
- chmod +x the file if it says permission denied
- open the binary in terminal
- connect your device and press enter
- wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
- enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
- wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
- read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
- wait for it to reboot
- Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use
- New Folder Structure
- Ticket comparing to devices set generator
- A12(X) device check
- Non A12(X) device check
Shout out to the following people for helping with testing and contributions
- /u/tk_ios
- /u/frakman1
- /u/ForceBru
- u/maelxich
Uses the following tools
- FutureRestore
- igetnonce
- libimobiledevice - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo
- libimobiledevice Windows - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo
- tsschecker
- tsschecker compiled with iOS 13.0 fixes
Future Updates?
- img4tool - check if the saved ticket is valid
SaveMe macOS and Windows
UPDATE v0.7 - SaveMe The Easiest SHSH saver for macOS and now Windows!
Requirements before using for Windows
- install iTunes
Requirements before using for macOS
- install brew
After installing brew run the following commands
- brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
- brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
- brew install --HEAD ideviceinstaller
This should fix issues when not displaying device info
New in this update
- Added Windows Support!
- Fixes wrong ECID and saving path
- Adds new folder structure when saving tickets (unique per device and firmware)
- Removed irecovery as it didn't work for some users on High Sierra
- Switched back to igetnonce
- Detects Processor Type ie A12(X) or not
- If non A12(X) device it checks the generated nonce against Chimera's and Unc0vers default generators
- Displays saved ticket path
- Migrated to FutureRestore for exiting Recovery Mode as irecovery was removed as mentioned above
- Biggest feature last, now you're able to check saved Ticket against device's generator with FutureRestore
How to use for Windows
- Download from this link
- Save and extract the file to your desktop
- open CMD or something similar
- change directory to your desktop with this command "cd Desktop/"
- Start typing Sav... and press TAB it should auto fill the remaining characters
- connect your device and press enter
- wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
- enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
- wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
- read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
- wait for it to reboot
- Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use
How to use for macOS
- Download from this link
- chmod +x the file if it says permission denied
- open the binary in terminal
- connect your device and press enter
- wait for it to reboot into recovery mode and press enter
- enter the iOS version (Non OTA currently signed firmwares only) and press enter
- wait for file to be saved and press enter again once it appears in your folder where you downloaded the program to
- read the screen and see if the ticket matches the generator set on device
- wait for it to reboot
- Enjoy your newly saved tickets for future use
- New Folder Structure
- Ticket comparing to devices set generator
- A12(X) device check
- Non A12(X) device check
Shout out to the following people for helping with testing and contributions
- /u/tk_ios
- /u/frakman1
- /u/ForceBru
- u/maelxich
Uses the following tools
- FutureRestore
- igetnonce
- libimobiledevice - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo
- libimobiledevice Windows - ideviceenterrecovery, ideviceinfo
- tsschecker
Future Updates?
- img4tool - check if the saved ticket is valid