Default ASP.NET Core + React Microsoft Visual Studio template. Web app available here: Initial deployment pipeline is ready (ARM + Az CLI/web app + app insights). On Azure side master SPN created, OIDC established.
Any of below bullets can be discussed separately.
- Direct commit to main not allowed, PR only (review/approval required)
- Squash merge policy (easy rollback)
- Branch naming policy if needed
- On commit checks (static pre-commit validation, sensitive data check, formatting)
- On PR validation (separate testing/validation workflow that prevent merge if failed)
- Powershell/Az CLI Pester test for infrastructure health checks (as scheduled workflow)
- Native Azure alerting (action groups/alert rules)
- Visualization (native dashboards/azure data explorer/grafana)
- Application Insight
- Log analytics + diagnostic settings
- Straight Az CLI/Powersell deployment, ARM if needed
- Bicep if amount of resources will heavely incresed
- Terraform in case when resources require fine tuning
- Manual approval for PROD deployment
- No manual changes allowed on production environment (only dedicated SPN can manage resources)
- Scaling rules
- Documentation as a code
- All secrets managed via KeyVault/github secrets