- ❗NOTE❗ These are all super old! Check my website for recent info: nheindl.com!
❗NOTE❗: I also have a more traditional portfolio site here as well.
I no longer use this repository, but I keep it here because it reminds me of better times, and has out of the box emoji support:+1::muscle:
This is me on New Years Eve 2014/2015 in Egypt! 🐫
Welcome to my Me (:tm:) profile. Shouts to my friend L O Z O R D for the idea and inspiration.
🏆 In 2015, I was chosen as an IGDA GDC Scholar! 🏆
I was a fifth year undergrad at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I'm majoring in both Computer Sciences 💻 and Linguistics 👅, with a certificate/minor in game development 🎮 (I believe I'll be the first person with this too!).
Last Summer I worked at Raven Software on Call of Duty Online. Before that, Amazon Web Services as a software development intern. Besides working on personal projects and things for the Undergrad Projects Lab, I'm currently contracting some work for AppleTV:green_apple::tv: development with Flippfly while finishing up my degree.
I'm super passionate about learning and improving the world. I was fortunate enough to help teach in Africa:camel: over my 2015 Winter break, and I'm pretty involved in the Madison games and tech communities. I love language, music, and creating things (particularly weird things). Some of my areas of interest: Game and Engine development, AI and Machine Learning, Natural Language and Computational Linguistics, Information Security, and Open Source Development.
I was playing: TIS-100, Diablo 3, Dark Cloud, Heroes of the Storm, and The Witness
- ❗NOTE❗ These are all super old! Check my website for recent info: nheindl.com!
- Recent 'Games' Resume PDF (Purple and Printable!)
- Recent-ish 'Big Tech' Resume PDF (Purple and Printable!)
- Markdown Resume (Has links!) //although this site is more interesting, init?
- ❗NOTE❗ These are all super old! Check my website for recent info: nheindl.com!
- 🎮 Monologue - Game made with Phildo during the Train Jam, a game jam on a train from Chicago to San Fran.
- 🏆 Featured at GDC, Over 90,000 plays, and Leigh Alexander did an awesome article on offworld!
- 🎮 Mosh Ball - Game made with a partner for Computer Graphics class in 2013.
- Made with OpenGL and Box2d (C++). Did a bunch of cool shader and shadow stuff.
- 🎮 "Look Up" Twine - My attempt at creating a personal, narrative driven experience.
- 🎮 Pacemaker - Rhythm/runner game made with some buddies for GGJ 2013.
- We made our own engine in html5/js, and I worked on a dynamic audio system in web. 🎼
- 🎮 Sushi Sensei - A game made in 2 days for a facebook hackathon at UW in 2012.
- Can teach basic vocabulary in German:de:, Japanese:jp:, and Spanish:es:. Used XNA framework.
- 📍 AoE II HD Map - Built a mildly popular map (workshop front page 🏆) in one of the best games of all time 🏰
- 🔧 Minecraft Mod - Brought 🍕 and overhauled farming 🍄 alongside a large mod that gives PvP, Skills, and Quests.
- 🎮 C.A.V.E. VR Project - Project for 2nd year in Uni, where we brought some neat game/puzzle design to VR.
- Coded the worlds and puzzles in a proprietary language. Presented to the public in a multi-million dollar CAVE.:moneybag:
- Wisconsin Game Dev Resources - List of resources for game development in Wisconsin. 📖
- IGDA GDC Scholars Report - Writeup about my GDC2015 experience with the IGDA.
- GitHub - A bunch of code projects here. A lot of assorted projects are within here
- Project Euler - PE is great to actually try to put some of the theory you learn in school to use - and learn a bunch in the process! My highest solved problem is 407, although I did skip around a lot 😎.
- Working my way through Nucl.ai's Game AI course and enjoying it a bunch.
- I love giving talks and hosting events. You can find some here, and I've given other talks at Madison Indies Meetup. I've hosted a bunch of events from hackathons, to roundtables on internships.
I've had a fascination with language since I can remember. I've experience learning German:de: and a bit of Japanese:jp:, French:fr:, and Mandarin:cn:.
I'm currently working on a few linguistic focused projects: an etymology of 'dank', an 'awesome-list' of linguistic resources, and possibly a paper on 'intuitive conjectures' in the field. I'll update this more as they progress.
I've learned a lot by attending, running, and even giving talks at numerous hackathons! During my 'hack career' I've worked across the country with awesome people to make some amazing hacks. Some examples: A plant that tweets its feelings and a programming IDE that translates real life dance moves into usable python.
Here are some I've attended: BoilerMake, MHacks, hackMIT, HackTech, Facebook Midwest Hack, etc.
I love music; all different kinds. Particularly fond of old skool jungle and uk 'ardcore, drum and bass, jazz, classic rock, etc. One of the happiest moments of my life was at a rave skankin' to Calyx and Teebee with 30 of the biggest Junglists in the Pacific Northwest 📣 I have two technics 1200 turntables and like to scratch records every now and then 💽💽
These days I've been listening to rinsefm and subfm a decent amount.