NDR-Core django libraries
- Create virtualenv
- install requirements (pip install -r requirements.txt)
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py runserver
Note: If templates change, no action is needed.If static files change, the 'collectstatic' command has to be executed.
If you want to use gunicorn with WSGI, use the following command:
gunicorn ndr_core.wsgi -b -D
(Where PORT is the port you want it to run on. Be aware that 8001 and 8002 are used for divisive-power.org and asia-directories.org) The -D option starts it as a daemon. It may be better to do it without to easily start and stop it.
In general, all static templates for dpcl are in main/templates/main/
, all ndr_core templates are in ndr_core_api/templates/ndr_core_api/
.In the same fashion, static files (images, js, css) are in main/static/main/
and ndr_core_api/static/ndr_core_api/
The basic page for ndr_core is ndr_core_api/templates/ndr_core_api/base/base_default.html
. main/templates/main/base.html
extends this template and is the base for all dpc pages.
Jumbotrons, forms and cards are rendered by ndr_core. The templates are to be found there.
The resultlines are rendered with main/templates/main/result_line_xy.html
(where xy is dpc, asiadir or haka for the three result types)