Over the course of 2 weeks (8 or 9 days), we are building a recipe manager web application. We will be desigining the app by first finding problems with current solutions and discovering features we want to implement for an MVP.
The main feature, the "skateboard" to our "car", is a page scaper function that will allow users to input a URL, retrieve the recipe, and have that saved to their profile.
The first major interaction will follow this flow: Sign up -> retrieve recipe -> edit recipe -> see recipe in profile page
Once our first goal is met, we will implement the following features: A user can edit their saved recipe. A user can add their own recipe. A user can search filter their recipes based on keywords / tags A user can see the nutritional value for each recipe.
-MERN -Tailwind
- Make sure you have node and NVM installed.
brew install nvm
- Install the latest version of Node.js
- Fork/Clone this repository.
- Install dependencies for the 'frontend' & 'api' application:
cd frontend
npm install
cd ../api
npm install
- Install an ESLint plugin for your editor
- Intall MongoDB if you don't have one on your computer
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@6.0
Note: If you see a message that says
If you need to have mongodb-community@6.0 first in your PATH, run:
, follow
the instruction. Restart your terminal after this.
- Start MongoDB
brew services start mongodb-community@6.0
You need to create '.env' files for both the frontend and the api.
Create a file 'frontend/.env` with the following:
Create 'api/.env' with the following:
- In the api directory, run:
npm run dev
- In the frontend, run:
npm run dev