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Attributions is a framework used to acknowledge Third-Party Libraries and build tools used to develop and maintain your iOS application. Here's an example:

Compile Attributions

Attributions includes two scripts: one that compiles Attributions from Carthage dependencies, and the other which compiles Attributions from GitHub Repositories (for user specified Third-Party Libraries not managed by Carthage). Remaining Attributions can be specified manually by the user.

From Cartfile

To compile Attributions for dependencies managed by Carthage:

  • Run carthage checkout --no-use-binaries to download framework sources into your project's Carthage/Checkouts directory
  • Run python [directory containing Carthage files] [output.json]


It's possible to further customize displayed Carthage attributions by modifying Cartfile with Attributions macros, which are comments with a simple syntax:

# Attributions[macro_key]=macro_value
github "kayak/attributions"

Attributions macros apply to the next Carthage framework declaration. You can define multiple macros for a framework by separating each macro into separate line:

# Attributions[key1]=value1
# Attributions[key2]=value2
github "kayak/attributions"

Change attribution display name

Since framework name is inferred from second path of Carthage identifier (after slash), some framework attributions may not display with a self descriptive name. To provide a custom name for an attribution, insert display_name macro into Cartfile:

# Attributions[display_name]=KAYAK Attributions
github "kayak/attributions"

Limit attribution to specific bundle identifier

If you build multiple apps in one workspace, but there are frameworks, which are only embedded into a subset of those apps, you can limit displayed attributions to only that subset. Collect main app bundle identifiers and insert them with a displayed_for_main_bundle_ids macro into Cartfile:

# Attributions[displayed_for_main_bundle_ids],
github "kayak/attributions"

This macro is optional and not providing it, displays the framework attribution in all your apps.

Custom GitHub Attributions

To compile Attributions for Third-Party Libraries with GitHub Repositories:

  • Create an input file containing a list of GitHub Repositories
  • Then, run python [./input file] [output.json] uses GitHub's JSON API. You can work around rate limits by generating an access token and exporting it under GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN in your shell session.

Example Attribution JSON Files

  • Output file from scripts:
        "name": "[Attribution from Carthage/GitHub]",
        "license": {
            "text": "This is a license... "
  • Example for manually specifying other attributions:
        "name": "[Attribution from user specified license files]",
        "license": {
            "id": "unlicense"
        "name": "[Attribution from license in main bundle]",
        "license": {
            "filename": "unlicenseMain.txt"
        "name": "[Attribution from license in another framework]",
        "license": {
            "bundleID" : "com.kayak.Framework",
            "filename": "unlicenseFW.txt"

NOTE: Attributions no longer includes common license files. If you want to continue specifying licenses with the id property, you will have to supply the license files yourself. The setAttributions() function on AttributionViewController now includes a new parameters for passing in an array of these licenses. Each should be the full path to the license file.


  • AttributionViewController - is a subclassed UITableViewController that lists all the Attributions in a grouped UITableView. It has two public members:
    • attributionStyle - an AttributionStyle struct used to modify styles (described below)
    • setAttributions(from sections: [AttributionSections]) - creates and compiles Attributions from all input JSON files, and populates a grouped UITableView with the data. Each input file is handled as its own section.
    • NOTE: To use the AttributionViewController, the user must subclass the AttributionViewController, and add an initializer that calls super.init(style: .grouped)
  • AttributionStyles - is a struct that controls some styling options. Some or all the style parameters can be specified when instantiated. If a parameter is not specified, the default style is used.
    • textColor: UIColor - black by default
    • rowHeight: CGFloat - 44 by default
    • statusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle. - .default by default
  • AttributionSections - is a struct used to define each input JSON Attribution file.
    • file - URL specifying location of Attribution JSON file
    • description - String describing the file (i.e. "Carthage")

To incorporate Attributions into your project, add the compiled Attribution JSON files to the project. Instantiate an AttributionViewController object, and set the attributionStyles. Build an array of AttributionSections from the compiled Attributions JSON files. Then call controller.setAttributions(from: [AttributionSections]). Lastly, add the AttributionViewController to the desired UINavigationController. For more details, please reference the Example App provided and the code snippet below.

  • Attributions Implementation Example:
let attributionController = AttributionController()
guard let carthageFile = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "carthageAttributions", withExtension: "json") else {
    assertionFailure("File not found")
    return false
guard let customAttributionsFile = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "customAttributions", withExtension: "json") else {
    assertionFailure("File not found")
    return false
let sections = [
    AttributionSection(file: carthageFile, description: "Carthage"),
    AttributionSection(file: customAttributionsFile, description: "Other")
do {
    try attributionController.setAttributions(from: sections)
} catch {
    return false

let navController = UINavigationController()
navController.viewControllers = [attributionController as UIViewController]