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Loïc MICHEL edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 2 revisions


Create an active assignement for the principal id $principalID and group $groupID


🔷 Create an active assignment for the membership role of the group $gID and principal $userID starting now and using a duration of 7 days

    PS> New-PIMGroupActiveAssignment -tenantID $tenantID -groupID $gID -principalID $userID -type member -duration "P7D"```

:large_blue_diamond: Create a permanent active assignement for the ownership role of the group $gID and principal $userID starting now
   PS> New-PIMGroupActiveAssignment -tenantID $tenantID -groupID $gID -principalID $userID -type owner -permanent


Parameter description
$TenantID Entra ID TenantID
$groupID group ID
$PrincipalID ID of the principal
$type member type (owner or member)
$duration Assignment duration
$startDateTime specify the starting date if not set it will use curent time
[switch]$permanent create a permanent without expiration (must be allowed in role settings)
$justification optional justification

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