Proposes a deep network to calculate the initial affine transform between histological images with different dyes. Achieved via a patch-based feature extraction with a variable batch size followed by a 3D convolution combining patch features and 2D convolutions to enlarge the receptive field.
DeepHistReg, as defined in:
and Subsequent Papers:
- Smoothing and Resampling to lower resolution
- Segment tissue from background
- Convert image to grayscale
- Find initial rotation angle
Affine Registration Network
- Images passed into network independently
- unfolded to a grid of non-overlapping patches
- patches combined to a single tensor where # patches = batch size
- Feature Extraction by modified ResNet architecture
- weights shared between source and target
- features concatenated and passed through additional 2D convolutions to combine to a single representation
- Global Correspondence is extracted by a 3D convolution
- followed by 2D convolutions to retrieve global information from unfolded patches
- Features passed to Adaptive Average Pooling and Fully Connected layers to output Transformation Matrix
- Images passed into network independently
$M_p$ ,$F_p$ (image paths) -
$T$ (affine transformation matrix)-
$M$ ,$F$ = load images from$M_p$ and$F_p$ -
$M$ ,$F$ = smooth and resample -
$M$ ,$F$ = segment -
$M$ ,$F$ = convert to grayscale and invert intensities -
$T_{rot}$ = find inition rotation angle- iteratively by maximizing NCC similarity metric
$M_{rot}$ = warp$M$ with$T_{rot}$ -
$T_{affine}$ = pass$M_{rot}$ and$F$ through the Affine Network -
$T$ =$T_{rot} \cdot T_{affine}$ - Return
Note on training scheme
- Image pairs are given one by one
- Loss is backwarded after each pair
- Optimizer is updated only after a gradient of a given number of images are backpropagated
- Patch approach requires replacing batch normalization layers with group normalization
- Adam Optimizer
- Global NCC as cost function