Given a pair of images, one Source image and one Target image, in which the Source image is a rigidly transformed version of the Target image. Train a Neural Network to predict the transformation parameters between the two images, or, Find the transformation that maps the Source to the Target image.
Pefect Pairs Dataset
- Consists of 8 sets of images.
- Each image set contains 100 pairs of source and moving images.
- The source and moving image are the same image, the difference is in the rigid transformation between the images
- The transformations are known
- Each set has one
file, containing the image pair and the transformation label
DeepHistReg Inspired Model
- Feature Extractor and Regression Head
- Feature Extractor consists 6 Forward Blocks
- Feature Extractor Forward Block:
Conv2D() -> BatchNorm() -> PReLU()
x2 - Final Layer of the FE:
Conv2D() -> BatchNorm() -> PReLU() -> Conv2D() -> BatchNorm() -> PReLU() -> AveragePool2D()
- Feature Extractor Forward Block:
- Regression Head
- Feature Extractor consists 6 Forward Blocks
- Input is set of moving and static images
- More information on DHR:
Stratified Input Model
- Two inputs, one for each image in the pair
- 6 Feature Extractor Blocks
- Final Layer applied to each image seperately
- Concatentate Source and Moving pipelines