Corset Plots - Visualizing Heterogeneity in Change Outcomes
This is the third release of the modest R package 'ggcorset', which has been submitted and accepted by CRAN (version 0.3.0). It is used to visualize repeat measures data at 2 time points (such as pre- and post- data). The distribution of measurements at each time point is visualized using a half violin. The trajectory of individual change is visualized linearly between these distributions, which are coloured to visualize the magnitude of change or other user-defined value such as sub-groups. This method of visualization is ideal for showing the true heterogeneity of data, as well as the extent to which sub-groups capture this heterogeneity. Optional 'eyelets' provide either standard error means or the mean +/- 1 standard deviation of user-defined groups help to summarize change by sub-group, and an optional 'faceted' option aides in highlighting different sub-group trajectories.
The package relies on 'ggplot2' to produce the visualizations. As such, the corset plot allows for easy integration with 'ggplot2', so that users can customize their visualizations as required. This package is geared towards users with limited experience in R, creating corset plots using data in either wide or long format using the functions. Various supportive documents including a vignette is available to help users with limited 'ggplot2' experience.