This is a starter-kit / example repository for people who want to have multiple angular microfrontends coexist within a single page. Each of the angular applications was created and is managed by Angular CLI.
It uses single-spa to pull this off, which means that you can even add React, Vue, or other frameworks as additional microfrontends.
Note that the developer experience for this project will improve via with single-spa/single-spa-angular#41
After cloning the repo, run the following commands in a terminal from inside of the cloned project
cd navbar
npm install
ng build
cd ../app1
npm install
ng build
cd ../app2
npm install
ng build
cd ..
npx light-server -s . --historyindex '/index.html' -o
If you want set up a watcher so that you don't have to wait for an entire rebuild everytime you make a code change, run ng build --watch
in whichever application(s) that you are working on.
Go to to learn how all of this works.