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kbrsh committed Jul 17, 2018
1 parent d393cfe commit 9c99ab1
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58 changes: 51 additions & 7 deletions web/doc/guide.html
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Expand Up @@ -85,19 +85,63 @@ <h1>Guide</h1>
todos: []
<div id="example-guide-1" class="example"></div>
<p>The view is just like an HTML file, but the <code>For</code> attribute is special and provided by Moon. It is a <em>component</em> using <em>directive syntax</em>, where a single element is passed as an argument. In this case, the <code>For</code> component will iterate through every item in the <code>todos</code> array and will alias it to a <em>local</em> named <code>$todo</code>. For each of these, a new <code>&lt;li&gt;</code> element will be appended with the contents of <code>$todo.value</code>.</p>
<p>Notice the single curly braces <code>{}</code>, they are there to <em>interpolate</em> data from the data provided to <code>Moon</code>. In this case, we provide two options: <code>root</code> and <code>view</code> along with our own custom data: <code>todos</code>.</p>
<p>The <code>root</code> option decides where the view will be created, and the <code>view</code> option defines what the view will be. The <code>todos</code> are just an empty array since the user will be responsible for creating them.</p>
<p>Now, an input can be added to the view to allow the user to create todos.</p>
<pre><code lang="mvl"><span class="red">&lt;input</span> <span class="orange">type</span>=<span class="green">&quot;text&quot;</span> <span class="orange">@bind</span>={value}<span class="red">/&gt;</span>
<span class="red">&lt;button</span> <span class="orange">@click</span>={<span class="blue">createTodo</span>()}<span class="red">&gt;</span>Create<span class="red">&lt;/button</span><span class="red">&gt;</span>
<p>The <code>@</code> syntax in front of attribute names is for <em>events</em>: lifecycle events, browser events, and custom events. In this case, we are using the <code>@bind</code> and <code>@click</code> events. The <code>@bind</code> event binds the value of an input to a given variable and the value of the variable to the value of the input (two-way data binding). The <code>@click</code> event handles the browser click event and will call <code>createTodo()</code> when invoked.</p>
<p>Change the data section to match the following to hold a value and create a todo.</p>
<pre><code lang="js"><span class="blue">Moon</span>({
root: <span class="green">&quot;#root&quot;</span>,
view: <span class="orange">document</span>.<span class="blue">getElementById</span>(<span class="green">&quot;view&quot;</span>).innerHTML,
value: <span class="green">&quot;&quot;</span>,
todos: [],
<span class="blue">createTodo</span>() {
<span class="orange">this</span>.todos.<span class="blue">push</span>({
value: <span class="orange">this</span>.value,
complete: <span class="orange">false</span>

<span class="orange">this</span>.<span class="blue">update</span>({
value: <span class="green">&quot;&quot;</span>,
todos: <span class="orange">this</span>.todos
<p>Since the <code>value</code> property will be set by the <code>@bind</code> event, it will be available under <code>this</code> like all other properties. After pushing a new todo to the existing list of todos, we call the builtin method <code>update</code> with new values for <code>value</code> and <code>todos</code> to update the view.</p>
<div id="example-guide" class="example"></div>

root: "#example-guide-1",
view: "<ul><li For={$todo in todos}>{$todo.value}</li></ul>",
todos: []
root: "#example-guide",
view: "<ul><li For={$todo in todos}>{$todo.value}</li></ul><input type=\"text\" @bind={value}/><button @click={createTodo()}>Create</button>",
value: "",
todos: [],
createTodo: function() {
value: this.value,
complete: false

value: "",
todos: this.todos

<p>The view is just like an HTML file, but the <code>For</code> attribute is special and provided by Moon. It is a <em>component</em> using <em>directive syntax</em>, where a single element is passed as an argument. In this case, the <code>For</code> component will iterate through every item in the <code>todos</code> array and will alias it to a <em>local</em> named <code>$todo</code>. For each of these, a new <code>&lt;li&gt;</code> element will be appended with the contents of <code>$todo.value</code>.</p>
<p>Notice the single curly braces <code>{}</code>, they are there to <em>interpolate</em> data from the data provided to <code>Moon</code>. In this case, we provide two options: <code>root</code> and <code>view</code> along with our own custom data: <code>todos</code>.</p>
<p>The <code>root</code> option decides where the view will be created, and the <code>view</code> option defines what the view will be. The <code>todos</code> are just an empty array since the user will be responsible for creating them.</p>
<p>This guide resulted in an extremely basic todo application, but can be extended to support more features. Try the following exercises to test your knowledge.</p>
<li>Add support for removing/completing todos using <a href="./views.html#events">events</a> and <a href="./views.html#conditionals"><code>If</code></a>.</li>
<li>Add support for editing todos using the <code>@dblclick</code> event.</li>
<li>Add support for filtering todos using <a href="./data.html">data functions</a>.</li>
<li>Make the application more modular using <a href="./components.html">components</a>.</li>

Expand Down
68 changes: 60 additions & 8 deletions web/src/doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,18 +46,70 @@ Moon({

<div id="example-guide-1" class="example"></div>
The view is just like an HTML file, but the `For` attribute is special and provided by Moon. It is a _component_ using _directive syntax_, where a single element is passed as an argument. In this case, the `For` component will iterate through every item in the `todos` array and will alias it to a _local_ named `$todo`. For each of these, a new `<li>` element will be appended with the contents of `$todo.value`.

Notice the single curly braces `{}`, they are there to _interpolate_ data from the data provided to `Moon`. In this case, we provide two options: `root` and `view` along with our own custom data: `todos`.

The `root` option decides where the view will be created, and the `view` option defines what the view will be. The `todos` are just an empty array since the user will be responsible for creating them.

Now, an input can be added to the view to allow the user to create todos.

<input type="text" @bind={value}/>
<button @click={createTodo()}>Create</button>

The `@` syntax in front of attribute names is for _events_: lifecycle events, browser events, and custom events. In this case, we are using the `@bind` and `@click` events. The `@bind` event binds the value of an input to a given variable and the value of the variable to the value of the input (two-way data binding). The `@click` event handles the browser click event and will call `createTodo()` when invoked.

Change the data section to match the following to hold a value and create a todo.

root: "#root",
view: document.getElementById("view").innerHTML,
value: "",
todos: [],
createTodo() {
value: this.value,
complete: false

value: "",
todos: this.todos

Since the `value` property will be set by the `@bind` event, it will be available under `this` like all other properties. After pushing a new todo to the existing list of todos, we call the builtin method `update` with new values for `value` and `todos` to update the view.

<div id="example-guide" class="example"></div>

root: "#example-guide-1",
view: "<ul><li For={$todo in todos}>{$todo.value}</li></ul>",
todos: []
root: "#example-guide",
view: "<ul><li For={$todo in todos}>{$todo.value}</li></ul><input type=\"text\" @bind={value}/><button @click={createTodo()}>Create</button>",
value: "",
todos: [],
createTodo: function() {
value: this.value,
complete: false

value: "",
todos: this.todos

The view is just like an HTML file, but the `For` attribute is special and provided by Moon. It is a _component_ using _directive syntax_, where a single element is passed as an argument. In this case, the `For` component will iterate through every item in the `todos` array and will alias it to a _local_ named `$todo`. For each of these, a new `<li>` element will be appended with the contents of `$todo.value`.

Notice the single curly braces `{}`, they are there to _interpolate_ data from the data provided to `Moon`. In this case, we provide two options: `root` and `view` along with our own custom data: `todos`.
This guide resulted in an extremely basic todo application, but can be extended to support more features. Try the following exercises to test your knowledge.

The `root` option decides where the view will be created, and the `view` option defines what the view will be. The `todos` are just an empty array since the user will be responsible for creating them.
* Add support for removing/completing todos using [events](./views.html#events) and [`If`](./views.html#conditionals).
* Add support for editing todos using the `@dblclick` event.
* Add support for filtering todos using [data functions](./data.html).
* Make the application more modular using [components](./components.html).

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