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Chore: Replace with pyproject.toml
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Signed-off-by: Simon Brugman <>
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sbrugman committed Jul 10, 2023
1 parent d854cc2 commit 449ce92
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Showing 2 changed files with 196 additions and 199 deletions.
209 changes: 196 additions & 13 deletions kedro-datasets/pyproject.toml
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Expand Up @@ -5,15 +5,193 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "kedro-datasets"
authors = [
{name = "Kedro"}
{name = "Kedro"}
description = "Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors."
requires-python = ">=3.7, <3.11"
license = {text = "Apache Software License (Apache 2.0)"}
dependencies = [
dynamic = ["readme", "version", "optional-dependencies"]
dynamic = ["readme", "version"]

all = [
api = ["kedro-datasets[api.APIDataSet]"]
api-apidataset = ["requests~=2.20"]
biosequence = ["kedro-datasets[biosequence.BioSequenceDataSet]"]
biosequence-biosequencedataset = ["biopython~=1.73"]
dask = ["kedro-datasets[dask.ParquetDataSet]"]
dask-parquetdataset = ["dask[complete]~=2021.10", "triad>=0.6.7, <1.0"]
databricks = ["kedro-datasets[databricks.ManagedTableDataSet]"]
databricks-managedtabledataset = ["kedro-datasets[spark-base,pandas-base,delta-base]"]
delta-base = ["delta-spark~=1.2.1"]
docs = [
# docutils>=0.17 changed the HTML
# see
# Regression on sphinx-autodoc-typehints 1.21
# that creates some problematic docstrings
"ipykernel>=5.3, <7.0",
geopandas = ["kedro-datasets[geopandas.GeoJSONDataSet]"]
geopandas-geojsondataset = ["geopandas>=0.6.0, <1.0", "pyproj~=3.0"]
hdfs-base = ["hdfs>=2.5.8, <3.0"]
holoviews = ["kedro-datasets[holoviews.HoloviewsWriter]"]
holoviews-holoviewswriter = ["holoviews~=1.13.0"]
matplotlib = ["kedro-datasets[matplotlib.MatplotlibWriter]"]
matplotlib-matplotlibwriter = ["matplotlib>=3.0.3, <4.0"]
networkx = ["kedro-datasets[networkx.NetworkXDataSet]"]
networkx-networkxdataset = ["networkx~=2.4"]
pandas = [
pandas-base = ["pandas>=1.3, <3.0"]
pandas-csvdataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]"]
pandas-exceldataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]", "openpyxl>=3.0.6, <4.0"]
pandas-featherdataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]"]
pandas-gbqquerydataset = [
"pandas-gbq>=0.12.0, <0.18.0"
pandas-gbqtabledataset = [
"pandas-gbq>=0.12.0, <0.18.0"
pandas-genericdataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]"]
pandas-hdfdataset = [
"tables~=3.6.0; platform_system == 'Windows'",
"tables~=3.6; platform_system != 'Windows'"
pandas-jsondataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]"]
pandas-parquetdataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]", "pyarrow>=6.0"]
pandas-sqlquerydataset = [
"SQLAlchemy>=1.4, <3.0",
pandas-sqltabledataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]", "SQLAlchemy>=1.4, <3.0"]
pandas-xmldataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]", "lxml~=4.6"]
pickle = ["kedro-datasets[pickle.PickleDataSet]"]
pickle-pickledataset = ["compress-pickle[lz4]~=2.1.0"]
pillow = ["kedro-datasets[pillow.ImageDataSet]"]
pillow-imagedataset = ["Pillow~=9.0"]
plotly = ["kedro-datasets[plotly.PlotlyDataSet,plotly.JSONDataSet]"]
plotly-base = ["plotly>=4.8.0, <6.0"]
plotly-jsondataset = ["kedro-datasets[plotly-base]"]
plotly-plotlydataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base,plotly-base]"]
polars = ["kedro-datasets[polars.CSVDataSet]"]
polars-base = ["polars~=0.17.0"]
polars-csvdataset = ["kedro-datasets[polars-base]"]
redis = ["kedro-datasets[redis.PickleDataSet]"]
redis-pickledataset = ["redis~=4.1"]
s3fs-base = ["s3fs>=0.3.0, <0.5"]
snowflake = ["kedro-datasets[snowflake.SnowparkTableDataSet]"]
snowflake-snowparktabledataset = [
"snowflake-snowpark-python~=1.0.0; python_version == '3.8'",
spark = [
spark-base = ["pyspark>=2.2, <4.0"]
spark-deltatabledataset = [
"delta-spark>=1.0, <3.0"
spark-sparkdataset = ["kedro-datasets[spark-base,hdfs-base,s3fs-base]"]
spark-sparkhivedataset = ["kedro-datasets[spark-base,hdfs-base,s3fs-base]"]
spark-sparkjdbcdataset = ["kedro-datasets[spark-base,hdfs-base,s3fs-base]"]
svmlight = ["kedro-datasets[svmlight.SVMLightDataSet]"]
svmlight-svmlightdataset = ["scikit-learn~=1.0.2", "scipy~=1.7.3"]
tensorflow = ["kedro-datasets[tensorflow.TensorFlowModelDataSet]"]
tensorflow-tensorflowmodeldataset = [
# currently only TensorFlow V2 supported for saving and loading.
# V1 requires HDF5 and serialises differently
"tensorflow~=2.0; platform_system != 'Darwin' or platform_machine != 'arm64'",
"tensorflow-macos~=2.0; platform_system == 'Darwin' and platform_machine == 'arm64'"
test = [
"adlfs>=2021.7.1, <=2022.2",
"bandit>=1.6.2, <2.0",
# 1.2.0 has a bug that breaks some of our tests:
"filelock>=3.4.0, <4.0",
"gcsfs>=2021.4, <=2022.1",
"geopandas>=0.6.0, <1.0",
"hdfs>=2.5.8, <3.0",
"ipython>=7.31.1, <8.0",
"matplotlib>=3.0.3, <3.4; python_version < '3.10'", # 3.4.0 breaks holoviews
"matplotlib>=3.5, <3.6; python_version == '3.10'",
"memory_profiler>=0.50.0, <1.0",
"moto==1.3.7; python_version < '3.10'",
"moto==3.0.4; python_version == '3.10'",
"openpyxl>=3.0.3, <4.0",
"pandas-gbq>=0.12.0, <0.18.0",
"pandas>=1.3, <2", # 1.3 for read_xml/to_xml, <2 for compatibility with Spark < 3.4
"plotly>=4.8.0, <6.0",
"pre-commit>=2.9.2, <3.0", # The hook `mypy` requires pre-commit version 2.9.2.
"pylint>=2.5.2, <3.0",
"pyspark>=2.2, <4.0",
"pytest-mock>=1.7.1, <2.0",
"s3fs>=0.3.0, <0.5", # Needs to be at least 0.3.0 to make use of `cachable` attribute on S3FileSystem.
"snowflake-snowpark-python~=1.0.0; python_version == '3.8'",
"SQLAlchemy>=1.4, <3.0",
# The `Inspector.has_table()` method replaces the `Engine.has_table()` method in version 1.4.
"tensorflow-macos~=2.0; platform_system == 'Darwin' and platform_machine == 'arm64'",
"tensorflow~=2.0; platform_system != 'Darwin' or platform_machine != 'arm64'",
"triad>=0.6.7, <1.0",
video = ["kedro-datasets[video.VideoDataSet]"]
video-videodataset = ["opencv-python~="]
yaml = ["kedro-datasets[yaml.YAMLDataSet]"]
yaml-yamldataset = ["kedro-datasets[pandas-base]", "PyYAML>=4.2, <7.0"]

Source = ""
Expand All @@ -34,28 +212,33 @@ profile = "black"
ignore = "CVS"
load-plugins = [
extension-pkg-whitelist = "cv2"
unsafe-load-any-extension = false

disable = [
enable = ["useless-suppression"]

max-nested-blocks = 5

indent-string=" "
indent-after-paren = 4
indent-string = " "

notes = [

min-public-methods = 1

Expand All @@ -66,7 +249,7 @@ omit = ["tests/*", "kedro_datasets/holoviews/*", "kedro_datasets/snowflake/*"]
exclude_lines = ["pragma: no cover", "raise NotImplementedError"]

addopts = """
--cov-report xml:coverage.xml \
--cov-report term-missing \
--cov kedro_datasets \
Expand Down

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