This is a senior capstone project from the University of Idaho and allows customers
to order red, blue, and white disks from a Fischer-Technik Factory located in
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. It was designed and developed from August 2021 to May 2022 by 3 computer science students located
at the remote campus in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
The current release, v1.0.0, was finalized in May 2022 and all AWS hosted services were shutdown. Cloning this repository and using the same services listed below will allow one to recreate the project.
Keller Lawson (Team Lead, Graduated)
Justin Harris (Developer, Graduated)
Parker Weisel (Developer, Senior)
Front-end Hosting: AWS Amplify
Front-end: React
Back-end Hosting: AWS EC2 Ubuntu Virtual Machine
Back-end: Node.js
MQTT Broker: Eclipse Mosquitto
Database: AWS RDS MySQL
Source Control: GitHub
Project Management: Trello
With a new team of students, there are many improvement that we hope can be made to the project. Some of these improvements are as follow:
- Mobile App
- Improve Mobile Web View
- Improve browser compatability
- Aesthetics (better graphics, dark mode, etc.)
- Support Additional Factories(New Factory planned in Moscow)