install node js.
enter app folder.
install dependencies:
npm install
star app in terminal:
node .
Install MariaDB for local MySQL database:
brew install mariadb
Start MariaDB server:
mysql.server start
Run MariaDB:
>> MariaDB [(none)] (and choose user)
orsudo mysql -u root
(root user)
for quit -
Create 'words' DB:
create database words;
Select this DB:
\u words
>> MariaDB [words] -
Create 'words' table:
create table words (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, pl varchar(255), en varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id));
Add example record to wors table:
INSERT INTO words (pl, en) VALUES ('pies', 'dog');
Check your records:
SELECT * FROM words;
Update your record:
UPDATE words SET en = 'cat lol' WHERE id = 1;
Setup config to use DB in project:
SELECT user FROM mysql. user;
(check users)
SELECT current_user();
(check current user eg. root@localhost)
ALTER USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpa$$';
(set pass to user if you don't have it) -
Add your host, user, password and database name to