A simple Simon game created with plain html and jquery. Live demo here.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Lesson Learned
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- It is a practical project built for study
- It is a game that require the player to remember the sequence of the box is prompted by the machine
- Every level the machine will indicate which box is selected
- Every level the player is required to choose all boxes that are prompted in previous level in sequence and plus one current level selection.
- jQuery
- Runnable in local environment
- Internet connection for CDN to work
- Just browse the index.html file
Project is: complete
- Use jQuery instead of Javascript
- Use jQuery to interact with DOM
- Implement sound effect to the game
- This project was inspired by Angela Yu.
- This project was based on this course on Udemy.