- This is simple tool for panelize EAGLE CAD artwork.
- Motivates from this tweets "Specify X, Y on the EAGLE just make faces with Gerber in 1 shot."
- Original artwork (*.brd file)
- Apply this tool then:
- You can see the help without some arguments:
- Width and height units are milli-meter.
D:\PROJECT\EAGLE\BrainPadWiFi>EaglePanelizer.exe --help
EaglePanelizer - EAGLE CAD artwork panelizer 1.2
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kouji Matsui (@kozy_kekyo)
usage: EaglePanelizer [--dimension-layer=<value>] [--help] [--line-width=<value>] [--vcut-indicator] [--vcut-layer=<value>] [--vcut-post-length=<value>] <target-width> <target-height> <from-path> <panelized-path>
-d, --dimension-layer=<value> Force set layer number for dimension (contour)
-h, --help Show this help
--line-width=<value> Dimension contour and V-Cut line width
-i, --vcut-indicator Draw 'V-Cut' indicator
-v, --vcut-layer=<value> Force set layer number for V-Cut lines
-p, --vcut-post-length=<value> V-Cut line post length
- Example: With draw V-Cut indicator.
D:\PROJECT\EAGLE\BrainPadWiFi>EaglePanelizer.exe --vcut-indicator 100 100 BrainPadWiFi.brd panelized.brd
EaglePanelizer - EAGLE CAD artwork panelizer 1.2
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kouji Matsui (@kozy_kekyo)
Original board: Size=(25.908, 26.289), (0, 0) - (25.908, 26.289)
Dup[1]: (25.908, 0)
Dup[2]: (51.816, 0)
Dup[3]: (0, 26.289)
Dup[4]: (25.908, 26.289)
Dup[5]: (51.816, 26.289)
Dup[6]: (0, 52.578)
Dup[7]: (25.908, 52.578)
Dup[8]: (51.816, 52.578)
Totally panelized: Count=9, Size=(77.724, 78.867), (0, 0) - (77.724, 78.867)
- And got result:
- Source code copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kouji Matsui (@kozy_kekyo)
- Under Apache v2 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- 1.2:
- Separated contour lines and V-Cut lines.
- Draw V-Cut indicator.
- Support complex command-line arguments.
- 1.1:
- Calculate contour with package's.
- Added usage help.
- Support .NET Core 2.0.
- Upgraded to MSBuild 2.0.
- 1.0:
- First public release.