Useful should to download all nuget packages from a nuget repository. You can use for backup many nuget package purpose.
$ nugetbd
NuGetBulkDownloader 0.2.0
Copyright (c) Kouji Matsui
Fetching nuget service endpoints from: ... Done.
Found 110 valid package entries.
Downloading Epoxy.Maui.0.18.1.nupkg ... Done.
Downloading Epoxy.Maui.0.18.0.nupkg ... Done.
Downloading Epoxy.Wpf.0.17.0.nupkg ... Done.
Downloading Epoxy.Wpf.0.16.1.nupkg ... Done.
Downloading Epoxy.Avalonia.0.15.2.nupkg ... Done.
Downloading Epoxy.Avalonia.0.15.0.nupkg ... Done.
Downloaded files are placed into packages/{package id}/{package id}.{package version}.nupkg
You can change storing base path with a option below.
Install via nuget-cli for:
$ dotnet tool install -g NuGetBulkDownloader
Or download built binary (net461) directly from here.
$ nugetbd
NuGetBulkDownloader 0.2.0
Copyright (c) Kouji Matsui
usage: nugetbd [options] <nuget endpoint url>
-i Include prerelease packages
-p Perform parallel download
--basePath=VALUE Store packages into this directory
--userName=VALUE Basic authentication user name
--password=VALUE Basic authentication password
We can fetch number of packages with package server limitation.
For example, maximum package naming is 1000 when uses
(Currently OData paging is not supported.)
(Maybe it is a fiction)
A source code leak from GitHub occurred in another department. My team had no problems, and we wouldn't make such a mess. But I had to salvage all the packages in my work-related private NuGet repository. So I made it in about 3 hours in a rage.
I have to have a nice meal today...
- 0.2.0:
- Supported nuget installer.
- Fixed for using anonymous user access.
- 0.1.0:
- Initial public release