- It's pedestrian signal controller running on ESP8266 (aka ESP-WROOM-02).
- I made custom schematic and artwork from scratch.
- Use EAGLE 8
- I wrote sequencer code by C++ on ESP8266-Arduino IDE.
- We record our discussion into YouTube: Fun with Pedestrian Signal (In japanese)
- We did public and demonstration the MatrixSignalController.
- It uses with the ExtremeFeedbackDevice's signal box.
- The three boxes chatting with independent WiFi network, we use http api server and client library.
- See the "MatrixSignalController" folder at repository.
- Basic sequence for american pedestrian signal standard (3 wired control).
- Scheduled time control between signal-on hour and signal-off hour.
- Battery-backuped RTC using scheduler.
- Auto synchronize NTP server with your WiFi AP.
- I ordered PCB to Fusion PCB and finished assemble.
- See also: How to assemble PedestrianController
- Under Apache v2