drf-history is a simple django rest framework app to track actions performed in a django app and to also gets the current request. The actions being tracked are POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH
Data | Description |
user | The current loggedin user making the request |
request data(body) | Data being sent (POST, PATCH and PUT) |
response data | response data after the request is complete |
table_name | name of the model the request is affecting |
instance_id | The id of the created, updated or deleted model instance |
method | The request method i.e POST, DELETE, PUT or PATCH |
created_at | Date time object for when the request is being carried out |
path | path the request is coming from |
to your INSTALLED_APPS settingINSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'track_actions', ]
in settings under middlewaresMIDDLEWARE = [ ... , 'track_actions.requestMiddleware.RequestMiddleware', ]
python manage.py migrate track_actions
to create the History model.`python manage.py migrate track_actions`
After this every POST, UPDATE and DELETE action will be recorded in your database under the history model.
To prevent sensitive fields from being saved
For example passwords
You will have to create a yaml file called drf_history.yaml
on the root of your django project.
In this file add the following.
fields_to_exclude: ["password","another key here"]
You can then add all sensitve fields in the list separated by commas. These fields will be removed from the saved request data. This will apply to all tables.
This is only for data sent in the request.
To get the current request
To get the current request in progress anywhere in the application.
Import the relevant class.
from track_actions.requestMiddleware import RequestMiddleware
2 Get the current request object.
current_request = RequestMiddleware.get_request_data()[1]
To access the get history endpoint
In your project's url file
`import track_actions`
Register the url in the urlpattern
`path('track_actions/', include('track_actions.urls'))`
visit the url in the browser or on postman
you should be able to see all the recorded history if you have admin
priveleges and you are authenticated.
You can create your own endpoint to view all history from the History model by importing it in your views or serializers.
`from track_actions.models import History`
This package will only work if you have a user in a request and a user model in your database.