This is the bckend for a nearly fully functional ecommerce store I created. I created it using Ruby in Rails, Stripe for payment, JWT for secured logins and account creation, PosgreSQL database, and Bcrypt to hash passwords before being stored to the database.
🛠 Built With Ruby on Rails
Tech Stack Backend
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Stripe gateway
- A user is registered using Email, name and Password.
- Once a user is registered, a stripe ID is automatically assigned to the user directly from stripe
- When a user is registered, a jwt token is created to enable the user to access the api endpoints
- A user can login using Email and Password
- All products in the store are kept based on categories... (gucci bag will be under BAGS category, Samsung galaxy A40 will be stored under phones)
- A new category can only be created by an admin
- Products can only created by an admin
- Products are stored under a category and also owned by a store.
- All items in the store are added only by an admin
- Each stores have products under them (only if they have products registered accepted by an admin)
- A store can be created using Email, store_name, image and Password.
- Login using Email and pssword
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need: Ruby and Ruby on Rails to be installed on your local machine
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Install this project with: bundle i or bundle install
To run the project, execute the following command: rails server or rails s
👤 Author
- GitHub: Kenny Egun
- Twitter: Kenny Egun