This tool performs basic verification on how Human Interest reinvests your 401(k) funds after your company migrates from another 401(k) provider. I created this tool after finding mistakes in calculations when my 401(k) was migrated from ADP to Human Interest.
Try it out:
This web tool has no back end, to simplify deployment. I used the following languages, tools, and frameworks:
- Next.js React Framework
- written in TypeScript
- tested with Jest
- deployed to Vercel
- linted with ESLint
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
This repo also includes a tool to import historical mutual fund prices.
- Clone repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
cd human-interest-verifier yarn install
- Start server
yarn dev
- Open http://localhost:3000/
yarn test
- Ruby 2.7+ (tested with both 2.7.4 and 3.0.2)
cd fund_price_importer/
- Set up end-to-end testing (Cypress? Playwright?)
- Set up CI/CD
- Use Lighthouse to optimize performance, accessibility, etc.
- This tool is dependent on how Human Interest displays transaction data on its web app, and thus, may break if Human Interest makes changes.