vim-databricks is a vim plugin that allows you to develop code locally then easily send it to your databricks cluster/sql warehouse.
Install with your favorite plugin manager. Here's how to do it with vim-plug. For vim add this to
your ~/.vimrc
or for nvim add it to your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
call plug#begin()
Plug 'kentkr/vim-databricks'
call plug#end()
Leave your rc script, reenter it, and run :PlugInstall
Next make sure to install requirements.txt wherever your vim references python3 packages. This needs some work. Here's a thread for future reference
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Set up some config information. If you do not have a ~/.databrickscfg
file go ahead and create one now.
Then add a your databricks connection information in a TOML style.
host = <databricks host url>
token = <databricks access token>
jobs-api-version = 2.0
Add other config information as global variables in your ~/.vimrc
or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
" any databricks file from your ~/.databrickscfg file
let g:databricks_profile = 'my_profile'
" the databricks cluster id you want to execute commands on
let g:databricks_cluster_id = '<cluster id>'
Now create some mappings to run python code using <leader>sp
(sp = send python).
The first line allows you to execute a whole script in normal mode. The second selects
lines (not blocks) to execute in visual mode.
" vim-databricks
" normal mode get all text
nnoremap <leader>sp :call databricks#main(databricks#get_buffer_text())<CR>
" visual mode get selection - visual lines, does not work with block text
vnoremap <leader>sp :<C-u>call databricks#main(databricks#get_visual_selection())<CR>
Open a py script and execute sp on your keyboard. It will run any py command on the specified g:databricks_cluster_id
Every command and variable will be remembered through the execution context. To clear it and and reset the context run
:call databricks#clear_execution_context()