This service is designed to allow keptn to communicate with xMatters in order to take full advantage of keptn's auditing and monitoring capabilities. To get the xMatters Problem URL and Evaluation Done URL, follow the instructions here:
To configure the service correctly, first edit the service.yaml file (located at config/service.yaml
), replacing the values under XM_EVAL_URL (line 15) and XM_PROBLEM_URL (17) with the corresponding URLs.
To install the service, run the
script as shown below:$ ./
To verify the installation, run the following
commands:$ kubectl get pods -n keptn NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ... xmatters-service-6bb7c9c48c-64kfr 1/1 Running 0 6d23h xmatters-service-evaluation-done-distributor-cf7b64c64-8r989 1/1 Running 0 6d23h xmatters-service-problem-distributor-8d5f8b4f4-prslw 1/1 Running 0 6d23h ...
To uninstall the service, run the following
command:$ kubectl delete -f ./config/service.yml