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Project goal

To have a working well-documented Operating System code that lets the reader quickly find code implementation of a specific topic. Ultimately to have KernOS be programmable on RISCV FPGA softcore, and perform a wget. Thereby completing geohot's transistor to internet challenge

Documented topics

The doxygen documentation below is a good place to start exploring

For specific topics, use links below,


Currently only supports

  • C++
  • x86 architecture


2020 11 01 - Task switching

alt text

Currently working on supporting DMA/PIO disk access on PCI SATA. Next to port Fat32 filesystem prototyped in python to the OS.

Toolchain and qemu

Build i686-elf toolchain as below

cd Toolchain

Add path to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc by


Get qemu from package manager. Or build from below if need to debug qemu, e.g. using rr

cd Qemu

Build and run

Build kern.bin

cd KernOS
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../OS

The kernel is still far from being deployable to actual hardware, but feel free to try. Disclaimer: do so at your own risk

Otherwise, here's the script to running it in qemu

cd KernOS/build
qemu-system-i386 \
-m 128M \
-d cpu_reset,guest_errors \
-device VGA,vgamem_mb=64 \
-kernel kern.bin


Testing framework setup is unorthodox as

  1. I wanted access to standard libraries, and
  2. gtest required different toolchain

This led to a separate CMakeLists.txt in the Test directory.

To build and run test

cd KernOS/Test
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../Tests
make && ctest


Debugging requires running qemu with -S command to prevent CPU from starting, and exposing a port for gdb to attach to.

Here's the script to launch qemu for debug

cd KernOS/build
qemu-system-i386 \
-gdb tcp::1234 -S \
-m 128M \
-d cpu_reset,guest_errors \
-device VGA,vgamem_mb=64 \
-kernel kern.bin

and to attach from gdb

file kern.bin
target remote localhost:1234
break kernel_main