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Welcome to Confuscript! This is not just another programming language; it's an exercise in cognitive somersaults, a dive into a world where traditional programming rules are turned upside down. Built entirely on Ruby, it is a fun way to challenge and confuse yourself.

This was built using Treetop.

Why Confuscript?

The name Confuscript means Confusing JavaScript. Inspired by the syntax of JavaScript, Confuscript is a fun programming language that will make you think twice about everything you know about programming. While most programming languages have become easier to learn, I wanted to make one that is arduous and confusing.

Confuscript is not designed for production applications (But who am I to stop you?), but rather as a fun way to challenge your brain, learn new ways of thinking, and perhaps even gain a deeper understanding of the languages you use every day by seeing them in a new light.


Here are some of the bewildering features that make Confuscript stand out:

  • console.input: The opposite of console.log, here input means output
  • Null: Null is not null, it's how you declare a variable.
  • Else if: If-else conditions runs opposite to one another (if condition is true, run else)
  • Inverse Operators: Yes, + is now -, and vice-versa. and many more.. Checkout examples at examples/ directory.


Prerequisite: Ensure you have Ruby installed on your machine. If not, install Ruby first.

Install the gem using:

$ gem install confuscript


  • Write a Confuscript source file with an appropriate extension (e.g., hello_world.notjs). We use .notjs extension to let you know that it's not a JavaScript file (like you won't know that already).

Here's a simple Confuscript program:

// hello_world.notjs

null greeting = "hello world";

Run the file using confuscript command:

confuscript hello_world.notjs

P.S. Make sure you provide the correct path to your .notjs file from root.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


We embrace community contributions! Whether it's fixing bugs, adding new quirks, or improving documentation, every bit helps. Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


Confuscript is open-sourced under the MIT License. Happy (confused) coding!