If you want to use CAS behind a proxy, you have to create your own Docker Image based on this one, and create a /cas-overlay/.mvn/jvm.config
file to install Maven and create a /root/.m2/settings.xml
file to install Maven's plugins.
I have put some examples in samples
directory (./cas-overlay/.mvn/jvm.config
and /root/.m2/settings.xml
Here is a sample of a Dockerfile including proxy config:
FROM kimbrechts/docker-cas-apereo
ARG http_proxy="http://your-user:changeit@your.proxy.net:9999"
ARG https_proxy="http://your-user:changeit@your.proxy.net:9999"
ARG no_proxy="localhost,, ::1, *.mydomain.com"
ENV http_proxy=${http_proxy} \
HTTP_PROXY=${http_proxy} \
https_proxy=${https_proxy} \
HTTPS_PROXY=${https_proxy} \
no_proxy=${no_proxy} \
NO_PROXY=${no_proxy} \
If you want to run CAS with JAAS, you have to create your own /cas-overlay/run-cas.sh
script with -Djava.security.auth.login.config
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre-home
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:.
# echo "Use of this image/container constitutes acceptence of the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE."
#exec java -jar /cas-overlay/target/cas.war
exec java -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/etc/cas/config/jaas.config -jar /cas-overlay/target/cas.war
You need to create a /etc/cas/config/jaas.config
file with some configuration.
This image includes some Maven plugins (for basic auth, REST...). If you want to add or remove some plugins, you have put your own pom.xml
in your own image (or with a docker-compose
, for example).
In your own Dockerfile
, you can change the timezone like this:
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual tz tzdata && \
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime && \
echo "Europe/Paris" > /etc/timezone && \
apk del tzdata
Services are to be placed in /etc/cas/services/
directory/. You can create a Docker volume or use you own Dockerfile
I created yaml
examples in samples/etc/cas/services
: Authorize Admin DashboardHTTP-10000004.yml
: Authorize all HTTP(s) applications
If you have to use Kerberos, you need to create your own Dockerfile
and install Kerberos, add your krb5.conf
file and add your keytab file like this:
FROM kimbrechts/docker-cas-apereo
RUN apk update && \
apk add --no-cache --virtual krb \
krb5=1.18.2-r0 \
krb5-libs=1.18.2-r0 \
apache-mod-auth-kerb=5.4-r6 \
COPY etc/krb5.conf /etc/
COPY cas.HTTP.keytab /etc/cas/cas.HTTP.keytab