Releases: kevinkhill/FontAwesomePHP
Releases · kevinkhill/FontAwesomePHP
FontAwesome 5
This PR adds support for the new functionality of FontAwesome 5, including:
- FontAwesome's own CDN, including Pro accounts
- JS/SVG support
- Masks, layers, transforms (for SVG)
- Multiple styles
With a big thank you to dafyd for contributing!
Laravel 5.5
Adding Laravel 5.5 auto-wiring
Spin Fix
Fixing the bug where applying spin will cascade to the following icons.
FontAwesome v4.7.0
1.1.3 Updating FontAwesome version to 4.7.0 and switching CDN provider.
Fixes Issue #13
Laravel 5.4 compatability
Support for Laravel 5.4
Thank you @BadChoice
Fixes for Laravel
Removed controller, route and view. Since it was just a demo page, there is no point to have it in the package. Everything needed is on
Updating to FA 4.4.0
1.0.3 Updating FA to v4.4.0
Route Caching Fix
1.0.2 Moving route closure to controller, fixes issue #7