I stopped running this bot, but anyone else is welcome to pick up the torch. See CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions on how to run the bot.
Bowser responds to commands, such as !status
, by querying channel's configured game server and responding with a message that shows who is online, how many mods are loaded, etc.
- The server owner navigates to this link https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=392875945717137418&scope=bot&permissions=0 .
- Bowser is given read and write permissions on any channels where bowser should respond to commands.
Any channel bowser has read and write permissions for, bowser will respond to the command !help
. Configuration is currently limited to one minecraft server per discord channel, and either an administrator or any user with a role named mario
should be able to configure with !set <host> <port>