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blackcity edited this page Jul 15, 2013 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the Backload wiki!


Setup: Setting up the Backload component
Configuration: Configuration options, settings and defaults
Release notes: Release notes
Meet the devs: @Backload_MVC


Example 01: Zero configuration
Example 02: Configuration basics: Using web.config
Example 03: Configuration basics: Using an external config file
Example 04: Using your own controllers
Example 05: Using server side image manipulation features
Example 06: Managing subfolders: Using the object context
Example 07: Managing subfolders: Using the upload context
Example 08: Extensibility: Writing a simple extension
Example 09: Extensibility: Handle the PlUpload plugin (Moxiecode) and make it to be a full filemanager
Example 10: Handling exceptions
Example 11: Asynchronous operations with async/await, Tasks and Threads

Original demo JQuery File Upload Plugin

The original demo of the JQuery File Upload Plugin from blueimp in interaction with the Backload server side component can be downloaded here. This demo can also be included in an existing ASP.NET MVC application via NuGet (see instrucitons below).


In our demos and examples we use JQuery 2.0 and above. This version doesn't support older browsers (< IE9) anymore. If you need this support, switch back to JQuery 1.9. All examples and demos use the NuGet packet manager for the Backload component, the client side plugin files and other dependencies to install:
PM> Install-Package Backload

If you want to test the component with the original demo from the JQuery File Upload Plugin project page, you can download the standalone repository here or you include it via NuGet packet manager in your existing MVC Application:
PM> Install-Package JQueryFileUpload_Demo_with_Backload

A few things to note here:

  1. The demo package installs a HomeController to handle the different demos (Basic, Basic Plus, Basic Plus UI, etc), so it may conflicts with an existing HomeController.
  2. Although the demo package takes care, that jQuery and jQueryUI are installed in your MVC application, it expects that bundeling is already setup (global.asax and /App_Start/BundleConfig.cs) with the virtual bundeling path "/bundles/jquery" (jQuery) and "~/bundles/jqueryui" (jQueryUI). Alternatively you may edit _Layout.cshtml and JQueryUI.cshtml and manually include jQuery and jQueryUI.


Backload. (Standard version): Copyright 2013, Steffen Habermehl, License (Standard version): MIT license
Professional and Enterprise (source code) version are available under a commercial license.
Follow us on Twitter: @Backload_MVC

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